Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Sunday Post [2]

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. 
~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~
It's a chance to share News. 
A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. 

This is your news post, so personalize it! Include as much as you want or as little. Be creative, it can be a vlog or just a showcase of your goodies. 

This week was crazy, no?! The crazy started on Monday and I swear it didn't stop all week. It didn't help I've been run down from this cold and have been trying to get the house ready for the Uninvited who are coming on Tuesday. I call them the Uninvited because, well, they are. I'm trying not to be mean but they never called to ask me about staying at the house. I mean, I just live here. Why would that be important? Instead they went through my Mom and Aunt who said yes and THEN told me they were coming. Yeah, I know it sounds wacky. It's more than a bit complicated but the bottom line is, they're coming here. Tuesday. For 10 days. Please someone send the wine and hard liquor. And hey, is someone builds me a panic room in 24 hours so I can hide, I might even share the booze.

But despite the stress of it all, I did get a lot of reading, writing and even some reviewing done. Here's this past week, in review:

Books Read/Reviewed Last Week

A Week To Be Wicked (Spindle Cove #2) by Tessa Dare: I read this awhile ago but somehow this was still in the draft folder.  I wonder where my brain is sometimes. *sighs* Anyways, this is a red hot, 5 star historical romance. I really love this series.

Behind Closed Doors (McCloud & Friends, #1) by Shannon McKenna: Holy hell this book had me so conflicted I didn't know whether to keep reading half the time or hide under the covers. It was good but I did have a few issues here and there. Thankfully none of those issues are enough to stop me from adding the next in this series to the TBR list!

I also read Causing Havoc by Lori Foster this week. I just finished last night and let me tell you, this book was un-put-down-able. Yes, I'm going to somehow make that a word. I took it to my niece's softball game last night because I had to finish it. Look for this review on the blog soon!

What I'm Reading

At the moment I don't have a book that I'm currently in the middle of which is definitely out of the ordinary for me! But tonight I am going to start tackling one of the ARCs I received this week. Or maybe I'll start that tomorrow and instead grab one of Kristen Ashley's or Maya Banks' Highlander book to re-read. I'm feeling a comfort read coming on! 

Stacking The Shelves

I have a vitural back ache from the book haul I took in this week. Between netgalley invites, Read Now options and ARCs direct from publishers, I have enough to review to last quite awhile. The good thing is that based on the release dates of the books I'm able to spread out the reading and the reviewing over the next 6 weeks or so. For the titles I bought, borrowed or was asked to review, check out my post HERE.

ROW80 Update

Write/Revise 5 hours per week: I've been writing like crazy to catch up on my Camp NaNo deficit. Thankfully, I'm just about there. I need to write just over 1K words a day to make my 30K word goal for Camp.
Blog a minimum of one book review per week, here and/or on Goodreads: I reviewed two books on the blog this week; see the links above!
Blog once per week on something that isn't a book review or ROW80 update: Done! It seems that, so far, this ends up being Saturday's Stacking the Shelves post, which is fine with me because I've met some great folks through this meme! :D
Post my Sunday ROW80 Update: Done!
Organize my WiP Plan via Excel: Errrr, ummmmm, well, let's just skip this task for now, shall we? *grins sheepishly* I'm stuck on this mainly because I can't quite figure out how to do a tracking thingy (yeah I know, I said thingy) for the WiPs within the spreadsheet. I need to do more research on this and hopefully next week I will have a more productive update.

Next week I plan on keeping the same goals but I'm going to add 2 hours to my writing schedule. I want to get in about 1 hour of writing every day so I can get back into the habit of daily writing.

Not exactly exciting, I know, but I'm pretty happy with my Camp NaNo progress. I, sadly, don't have any awesome llama gifs to share this week, but I'll work on something just as awesome for next week. Until then, have a great week and if you're doing ROW80 and/or Camp NaNo, good luck! 


  1. Yay! I love hearing honest reflection on books you didn't quite love. How refreshing.
    I just had a recent post about that on my blog. It was fun to hear how everyone breaks up books they hate.
    Keep up the good work!
    ~Just Jill

    1. Thanks! I liked the book but yeah, it was definitely one where I was going back and forth about it the whole time. I think that's good sometimes though because the author in a way had me really engaged. Have a great week!

  2. Surprise visits are always stressful, well so are planned visits. ;) I will send you happy thoughts. Happy reading.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday's Post

    1. Thanks! I will be grabbing my Nook and hiding in my room for much of their visit I think. or trying to. LOL

  3. Kat the fact that they asked others and not you..since you are the wonky!! good luck and I hope you accomplish everything this week. *passes over a bottle of red and a bar of godiva* The Sunday Post

    1. I know-it's totally wonky. My mom would never say No to them so they knew if they asked her, it'd be an end run around me. My family, or parts of it anyways, are so messed up. *smh* And thanks for the wine and godiva-I think I'll be drinking (and eating) a lot of that this week!

  4. The Uninvited - I like it. But not asking you or talking to you? Rude, and weird. I hope you survive!

    I had a similar reaction to the McCloud book I read; like you I'll probably read more.

    I hope your week isn't too stressful and crazy!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad I wasn't the only one with that book! Have a good week!

  5. First, hope you feel better. Second, so sorry about the Uninvited. Hope those 10 days go quickly for you.

    And sounds like you are making progress with Camp Nano! :D Awesome! :) Take care.

    If you'd like to stop, I have a Sunday Post up as well...

    1. Me too! I will counting the days, no the hours, until they get back on the plane! :)

  6. Ooof, good luck with the Uninvited! And I hope you're feeling better, too.

    If you're looking for some good Excel tracking resources, I highly recommend Jami Gold's spreadsheets. They're preformatted, so they might prove helpful.

    I'm sooooo jealous about all the reading that you are doing. I really need to get back on track with my 75 books/year goal. I'll have to check out the ones that you've recommended.

    Hope you're feeling better!

    1. OMG those are perfect! Yay!!! You saved me from Excel Hell Lena! <3

      As for reading, my day job has a lot of down time when I'm at court so I always have my nook and a paperback with me. It can be a pain b/c I get interrupted but sometimes I wait three hours for Court and if I don't bring extra work with me (which I don't always do b/c these things aren't supposed to take 3 hrs of waiting time LOL) I've always got my nose in a book!

      Also, the more I read, the more examples I see of good writing/plotting and not so good writing/plotting. I consider it research. (Wonder if I can write off the cost of the books on my taxes, LMAO. (jk, tax-man. JK))

  7. The Univited is a great term - may well pinch it from you and I'm confused I thought unputdownable was a word:) I have had it in my vocab for decades but my english has always been a little creative (thats polite version of what my friend from forever/editor says about it:)

    You obviously have the secret of manipulating time to write, read and review iso I reckon you are doing fine - all the best for coming week:)

    1. I don't think it's a secret so much as not sleeping! Lately I've been up at 4am (no idea why, I just naturally wake up then for some reason) so I've been getting a chance to get my day job work and my writing done during the day. I like getting so much accomplished, but man, I would love to have a normal sleep schedule! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. You know something, Kat... I think you're just too nice. Granted, I don't know the exact house situation, but if your mom is offering your home to friends/family that you don't want over, you should just say "Sorry, the door will be locked." Maybe you invite some friends over to have some loud slumber party time while they're there (yes, that might interfere with the important stuff like getting sleep for work, and such... hmm, maybe you need to clunk around a lot at 4am when you wake up to do your writing and work).

    The other possibility--though it costs a bit more--might be to find an efficiency hotel room for some of their stay. Make sure your mom and aunt know you're leaving because you "need your space". (Not to mention, it can actually feel like a mini-vacation to rent a room like that.)

    And that way you'll get that extra hour of writing for the CampNaNo in (so envious at all these great word counts),
