Saturday, July 27, 2013

Stacking The Shelves [4]

This meme was started by Tynga at Tynga's Reviews.  The link is to the official launch page that explains what Stacking the Shelves is all about and where to sign up.  Basically, it's a weekly meme where you post what you've bought, borrowed, and/or read, throughout the week. To quote Tynga, "you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!"

Another week is just about done so that means it's time for another Stacking The Shelves post. I'm not even going to try and say I've been "better" about buying books cause clearly, I haven't. But I do try to get most of the books I buy when they are on sale since, ya know, money doesn't grow on trees. And in doing so, I've once again managed to stay well within my book buying budget.  (Note: clicking on the images below should take you to the books Goodreads page, unless otherwise noted.)


A bunch of the Entangled Brazen titles were on sale for 99 cents and these had been on one of my Goodreads TBR shelves for awhile now. The only one that wasn't 99 pennies was His Risk To Take. That was 1.99. 

Seven Nights In A Rogue's Bed by Anna Campbell was also on sale and I love a good histroical romance so I picked this up for 1.99.

I have the first in this series, Red, and the third, Along Came A Spider, I received as a galley (see below). So I will hopefully be getting to finishing this series soon.

I got these boxed sets for 99 cents each. Each one has about 5 novels in them and for that price it's worth it, Some of the titles are older romances (from the 90s and 00s) but some are more recent. Again, at 99 cents that beats the prices I could get them at the library's used booksale for. (Note: the image will take you to Barnes & Noble, not Goodreads)

Sold to the Sheikh was recommended to me and had been on my TBR for awhile. So when it went on sale for 99 cents i figured what the heck! 

I bought the first in this series, Sultry With A Twist, awhile ago for 99 cents so when the second when on sale for 99 cents as well, I snapped it up.  

For Review:

From the Library:

I've seen both readers and reviewers talk about these books and recommend them so when I saw them at the library I checked them out. I have a month to read them which should be plenty of time.


I am trying to be more discerning about what freebies I pick up because I have so many books to read that I really need to slow down. 
So what did you pick up this week? Any good sales going on that I missed or new releases that you purchased? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I've been seeing the Line of Duty books everywhere! I'll be interested in what you think of them (I haven't read them yet). Happy reading :) My STS

    1. The first and the second were awesome. They are relatively fast reads but the heroes, ah the good. And such dirty talkers! *fans self*

  2. Being Chased looks good, hope you enjoy

    1. Yeah, I've heard good things about it in a GR's group I'm in.I hope to get to it soon. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Wow you got some really hot looking books! Enjoy :)

    Sugar & Snark

    1. I really need to stop buying them. But the sales gets me every time!

  4. Good haul, I've not hear of most of your books but that probably cause they are not my type of book, but I enjoyed Hot Blooded.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. Nice haul, that's a lot of books! And I see we both got Hot Blooded!
    Enjoy all the new reads!

    My Haul!
    My DESIGNS blog

  6. Awesome haul! I haven't read of any of these titles, but I hope you enjoy them!
    -Scott Reads It

  7. Seven Nights in A Rogue's Bed looks really interesting!
    Enjoy all your lovely books & thanks for stopping by my STS! (:

  8. Awesome haul! Enjoy your week :)

  9. That's a lot of books! I know what you mean about being more discerning about freebies (and also bargains.) I have so many books on my TBR shelves and in my Goodreads 'to-read' and 'someday' lists that I've decided to be MUCH pickier about what I pick up. As it is, I'll probably never get through them all.

    1. Yeah. I have to be too, otherwise I will never finish these books. I have a ton of "to read" shelves now on GR and am trying to categorize on there better. I also don't just click everything willy nilly, I check out the reviews and read the good and bad to see if it's something I'll like.
