Saturday, July 6, 2013

Stacking the Shelves

This meme was started by Tynga at Tynga's Reviews.  The link is to the official launch page that explains what Stacking the Shelves is all about and where to sign up.  Basically, it's a weekly meme where you post what you've bought, borrowed, and/or read, throughout the week. To quote Tynga, "you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!"
So I am jumping into a meme this week that I've seen around for awhile. It's a great way to display the haul of books readers have taken in during the week and to share with others what books I've gotten on sale, for free, for review, or borrowed from the library. It's also nice to see what others are buying/reading, cause ya know, my TBR list(s) on Goodreads just aren't long enough! *snorts*

Anyways, for now the plan is to try to post these on Saturdays, but if it's a slow week I might merge it with my Sunday blog post. We'll see how things go.

So, what did I bring in this this week? (Note: All links should go to the Goodreads page for the book)


I bought these books on sale via Barnes and Noble (the first and third were 1.99 each, Deadly Fear was .99). I am such a sucker for a sale! I'm not sure if they are still on sale but if they are you might want to check them out!


As usual Amazon and Barnes & Noble had some freebies listed this week that I snapped up as well.  I've become much more discerning about freebies, always checking out the preview (if there is one) and/or the reviews on the site and GR. I do this because as many of us have found some free ebooks can be, well, not very high quality and I hate DNFing books. I downloaded these throughout this week so they may not still be offered as free at the time of this post.

Given the amount of books I have on my kindle app and my Nook, who knows when I will get the chance to read the freebies though I do intend to dive into Nine Rules to Break When Romancing A Rake. I've heard great things about this book so I'm anxious to start it.

Check out what others have added to their shelves via the linky, here.  What books did you add to your shelves this week? Did I miss anything on sale or that came out this week I should nab? Let me know in the comments!


  1. awesome haul! i enjoyed reading deadly fear and nine rules to break and hope you do too. happy reading :)

    i hope you can stop by my StS

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

    1. I can't wait to dive into Nine Rules...I've been dying to read it. Hopefully it lives up to all the good things I've heard about it! :)

  2. I hadn't heard of any of the free ones either though the ones I bought were on my TBR forever. I need more hours in the day to read I think! LOL

  3. Oh nice freebies! Can't go wrong there! I'll have to check out a few of them I hadn't heard of before!

    Giselle @ Xpresso Reads

    1. I find a bunch of these via a Goodreads group I'm in (The Kristen Ashley Addicts Support Group). There is a thread of "Free and Amazing Deals" and it's updated frequently. It's also why I never can catch up on everything I need to read! LOL
