Saturday, July 13, 2013

Stacking The Shelves [2]

This meme was started by Tynga at Tynga's Reviews.  The link is to the official launch page that explains what Stacking the Shelves is all about and where to sign up.  Basically, it's a weekly meme where you post what you've bought, borrowed, and/or read, throughout the week. To quote Tynga, "you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!"
I almost forgot to post this! Gah! I have house-guests coming next week and they "surprised" me by calling to say they're flying in Tuesday instead of Thursday. This was not really a good surprise since these aren't the type of guests that I usually like. And what I mean by that is, they didn't ask if they could stay here. They just called my mother about 3 months ago and told her they were staying with me when they came home. Sure, I have a couple extra rooms at my house, but I mean really, can't they ask me? Ya know, the person who actually lives here?! *smh*

But enough about me. After all, this is about what I took in this week, right?! Simply put, I think my Nook is bursting at the seams after this week. And many of those were ARCs which I will have to review, but I'm looking forward to that. Not to mention that, with my spiffy new calendar that I made which outlines when to post my review (and other) posts, I'm not too worried. (Organization, FTW!) Hopefully that calendar will also help me in ensuring I get my 1K words a day in for Camp NaNoWriMo. (See tomorrow's post for my progress on that!). Anyways, here's my book haul for the week


Beg for Mercy and Falling Into You were on sale at Barnes and Noble when I picked them up, as was Charade. I picked up Charade and plan on reviewing that soon since I received an ARC of the second book in that series. I'm looking forward to reading all these books given the good things I've heard about them. Did any of y'all read these? What'd you think?

For Review (via Netgalley or from Publishers directly): 

With all these galleys, I'm going to be seriously busy but with the release dates for some of these in August (and one in October) I should have plenty of time. And besides, given how fast I read and that I've already planned it all out on the blog calendar, I've got no worries. Oh, just an fyi, the cover for Elite on the version I have is different than what is posted on GoodReads (the picture above). You can find the new cover (which is awesome) on the author's website, HERE.


I also got the Angles With Attitude series by Mimi Barbour free, via Amazon, on Wednesday. I'm not sure if it is still available but I've read a couple books by her and they've been decent reads. I've been wanting to get into this series for awhile so I'm glad I was able to snap them up!

So yeah, my Nook and Kindle app are filled up with books to last me for awhile. Or at least until Kristen Ashley's Rock Chick Revolution comes out on August 13th! Hope you all had a great week and enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. I've heard tons of great things about The Edge of Never, so hopefully you'll enjoy it!
    Happy reading! (:

    My STS

    1. Thanks! I'm anxious to start it but I have to stay on track. I think I have 3 books to read before I can dig into it. I guess I'll have to read fast! LOL

  2. The Edge of Never was really good. I am excited for Façade.

    1. Me too! I don't know how I missed Charade before now because the blurb sounds great. Hopefully next weekend I can tackle both of these in the series.

  3. Holy smokes, you got a ton of books this week :) I've heard fabulous things about the Edge of Never so I can't wait to see what you think !!! Happy Reading

    Lauren @ Lose Time Reading

    1. I have a serious book addiction and am in need of a support group I think. LOL I just can't stop taking them in! My poor Nook. :D

  4. Charade and Facade are sooooo good! I have yet to read Falling into You and The Edge of Never but I heard they are super awesome! Hope you enjoy! Thanks so much for stopping by!

    Jessirae @ Words, Pages, and Books

  5. Nice assortment of books! I live by my calendars too. Luck of the Dragon and Lions, Tigers... were both fun reads. If you get a chance, come see what I got this week at Ms. Martin Teaches Media and Inside of a Dog. Happy reading!

  6. I can see why you have developed a "virtual backache". That is a lot of books. There are several here that I have not seen before now, so I am happy to see them now. I am off to do some digging.

  7. That's a whole lot of books...enjoy! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  8. Nice! I, too, got Godborn and the Companions. Still need to read them though. I hope we both like them :) Happy Reading!
    Here are my newest additions.

    1. I haven't read them yet either. I should be getting to the first in the series by next week (if all goes as planned). I'm excited to read in this genre again-it's been awhile for me! Thanks for stopping by!
