Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Weekend in the Sun

The weather where I am has been just beautiful: sunny and hot during the day with comfortable temps at night for sleeping. Usually when it gets hot I hole up inside my house because that means the dreaded humidity is here, but we've been lucky the past few days.  Because of the nice weather I've been hanging out with my family (we've had one cook out so far, with another scheduled for today!), going to softball and little league games for my niece and nephew, and just having an all around good time.  All this has been happening while  helping my mom and sister with their massive garage sale so although I haven't gotten much writing in, I still consider the week a good one.  Here's my update:

Writing:  4 out of 7. Not where I want to be, but it's a start.  This week I will once again try to hit it every day with hopefully a bit more success.  Word count was just under 4K so that, in my mind, is still progress.

Reading: The goal was to read a book in two weeks. I've read two in one week, and hope to finish the third today.  Divergent by Veronica Roth (as suggested by Lauren) was so, so, so SO good.  I started it Friday night at about 9pm and stayed up until 3am on Saturday morning to finish it.  It was that good people! I bought book 2, Insurgent, for the Nook yesterday.  I was going to wait until my birthday in 9 days but, I cracked. I just HAVE to see what happens! 

Blogging:  I wrote one blog post this week which is one of my favorites mainly because it is about Felicia Day and The Guild.  I love the web series The Guild and their new music video just cracks me up. I also squealed like the total geek I am when my blog was mentioned in the #webseries daily on Thursday.  (I know, I really am I total geek. I told you!)  I have a writing related post for Monday in which I ask about characters and what happens when they lead the story in an unexpected direction so hopefully I can schedule that later and Blogger will behave.  I will try to work on a few more for this week to get myself ahead.

Being Active:  6 out of 5! YAY!!! And let me just say, hauling boxes, unpacking, repacking, running up and down the stairs, chasing the dog when he got loose, and all other garage sale related activities are exhausting.  I've been so tired the last few days that every muscle in my body has been screaming at me.  I am so counting all this physical activity as part of 'being active'!

All in all it's been a mixed bag in terms of results, but even though I didn't quite hit all my targets, I am still happy with the progress.  As I said last Sunday, my goals are about forming new habits and I know that it won't happen overnight.  Hope everyone is having a great weekend and good luck with your goals!


  1. It's the same for me this week: I have been reading a lot, thus I haven't been very efficient with my writing. Have a great week!

    1. I am loving being able to get through some of the books I'd put aside during the semester. I've missed it soooo much!

  2. must try that book - great recomendation staying up all hours:) yes def. that all counted as activity - I'm certainly claiming my furniture moving as such, anything that leaves muscles screaming counts.

    Being happy with one's week is a good feeling - all the best for this coming week.

  3. 4k is definitely good progress! I know what you mean about Divergent and Insurgent...I am just desperate for part three! I hope you enjoy it :)

    Well done on such a good week and I hope to join you in some more sprints this week :)

    1. Yay! I should be around Tuesday through Thursday for sure...well I hope! lol! I can't believe we have to wait soooo long til book 3, but I am sure it will be worth it. Will have to find some other books to fill the time til then! :)

  4. 4K is definitely progress. And awesome on that physical activity! That's the hardest thing for me. Good luck for the rest of the week!

    1. I find that taking it in small bits helps--like 3 10-15 minute workouts a day has really helped in me completing this goal. I started by working out 10 minutes before each meal which isn't a lot of time, but it's something! And then I've moved up from there. :)

  5. I'm so happy that nice weather has been here, too. I'm ready for full-on-summer! Hope your day was terrific. Picnics, family, baseball games (although I admit to prefer ...What's not to love?
    Congrats on all that activity! I actually broke a plateau this week, graduating to on-toes-pushups! I'm so excited about it, which is a little silly, but I don't give a hoot. Ha. I sure did feel it the next morning, though. I thought someone had stretched my arms out on the rack while I wasn't looking... (my armpits were quite sore)

  6. Sounds like you have had an awesome week! And I am super jealous of your warm weather we are heading into winter here, which I detest. I am going right now to add Divergent to my to read list. All the best for this week.
