Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Some Mornings I Need To Be Dragged Out of Bed

Or it feels this way anyways.  I just did not want to get out of bed today.  Not that I ever have a morning where I am quick to rise (I am so not a morning person) but for whatever reason today was harder than usual.  However, after staring at the ceiling for a good half hour, I finally forced myself to move and here I am, sucking down the first in what will likely be several large cups of tea.

But, enough about my morning crankiness (or as my nephew calls it "...acting like a crabby patty."  Gotta love Spongebob...)  Since it's Wednesday that means check-in day and having revamped my goals at Sunday's check-in, this is where I am so far:

Writing Every Day: Done! Even though Sunday was only a couple hundred words, it was still writing. Monday I got about 1712 in during the afternoon word sprint and Tuesday I wrote 1319.  Sadly I won't be in the office for today's sprint so I will be getting my daily writing in tonight.

Reading:  My goal was to read one book every two weeks. I read an entire book on Monday night. :)  I will be starting another tonight and then hopefully this weekend I can read The Hunger Games and/or Divergent.  So many books, so little time!

Blogging/Social Media: Okay, well this is...mixed. I had a post scheduled for yesterday, but blogger (being the pain that it is) didn't post it.  So it's still sitting in my drafts. I will reserve that for next Monday.  And Tuesday I just...didn't post anything. I have a post lined up for Thursday though and possibly one for Friday.

Be Active 5 Days a Week:  Sunday I did a short 15 minute yoga routine.  But Monday it was 30 minutes and Tuesday another 30.  I'm sleeping better already and my back (which had been killing me the last two weeks) is finally feeling close to normal. Mornings are still rough--it sucks to feel like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz as I try to get out of bed--but it's improving and that is all that matters!

All in all I'd say it's been a really productive week so far.  I hope everyone's week is going well and happy writing to you all!


  1. I'm right there with reluctance to get up. I'm also NOT a morning person. Ha! Everyone steers clear of me when I don't get my quiet half hour wake up session with a cup of coffee or tea before they clambor out of bed. (Two of my children are early birds...Oy!)

    Enjoy your reading, Kat!

    1. Same here! I need a half hour or so before I can speak to anyone with glowering at them! :)

    2. I married, unknowingly of course, a man who is an unabashed morning bird. I loathe that chipperness, want for conversation, and whistling in the morning. I could do bad things... We've had our share of rows in the am due to my reluctance to answer with more than a He's finally getting it after 20+ years of grouchy behavior. Ha! Leave. Me. Alone. For. Thirty. Stinking. Minutes. After which I can be pleasantly companionable.

  2. You know, I've been hearing from a lot of people that today was just harder on the whole getting out of bed scale. I know it was very difficult for me... and I'm a morning person (sorry!)

    Great job on hitting your goals!

    1. I wish I WAS a morning person, I would get so much more done! :) Huh, I wonder if it was a full moon or something and that is why today was so hard? I will have to look it up later!

  3. I need to work on getting up earlier as well. It's been years since I was able to naturally wake up early and get some writing or reading done at that hour. I haven't been as productive on my WIP this past week, so I'm going back to my hiatused contemporary historical WIP till I get some of that spark back. Sometimes you do need time away from the same characters, even if the book you just completed with them was very short by your standards (a bit over 120,000 words instead of my usual doorstopper length).

    1. I had to do that in March and put aside one WiP to work on another. After a few weeks things seemed to settle and I was able to go back to WiP #1 and start up again. 120K words! Woah!!! Awesome job!

  4. Way to go, Kat! You're doing great. I had to change my exercise routine from morning to night. I just can't continue to get up so early. I just CAN'T. LOL

  5. What a great week! Yay, you! I'm right there with you on not being a morning person, too. And about the so many books, so little time! Sounds like your revamped goals are working really well for you. Congratulations! See you at the next check-in.
