Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Trip Down Memory Lane And A Row80 Update

This week has been so busy with attending softball and little league games for my niece and nephew that by Friday I was exhausted. But the one activity of my niece's that had stuck with me throughout the week was her chorus concert Monday.  She is in the 7th grade and auditioned at the beginning of the year for chorale, which is a select few of the chorus members from 6-9th grade.  Each group sang a set of songs and then her group, along with the 9-12th grade groups, combined for the final song.  As the first few notes played I couldn't help but grin.  I hadnt't heard this song in literally years but that didn't stop me from tapping my foot and humming along (okay, and singing quietly..but I couldn't help it! I still remembered all the words!). When it originally came out I was about 5 (or therebouts) and I can remember singing it in my mom's car: an old beige colored Nova that had a rusted out floor in the front passenger seat. Funny how certain songs bring back memories! (It also made me think of the Scrubs episode where JD is in the bath with the mango cocoa butter.)  Incidentally I can't get this song out of my head and  I've found myself singing it all week!  So if you're looking for some infectious early 80s music, here is your fix. (I linked the music video, and part of the Scrubs episode from vevo-cause well that show just rocks!):

Africa by Toto:


And now back to our regularly scheduled program....My ROW80 progress:

Writing:  Knocked out of the park!  This week I worked on writing the scenes I added in the beginning to flesh out the characters and story a bit more.  This week the plan is to keep writing every day and updating my character list.

Reading:  Two books down for the week!  I am still going to keep my goal of one book a week, but...since I have fallen way behind on my goodreads challenge I actually need to read 2-3 books a week to make it by December.  Good thing I have a long TBR list and a lot of books on my Nook! (And my birthday is Tuesday so yay for more Barnes and Noble gift cards!)

Blogging:  I posted Monday (about when our characters have minds of their own) and Tuesday (about one of my favorite bands, Breaking Benjamin).  I didn't hit a post every day, but I am happy with what I accomplished.  

Being Active:  4 out of 5 for the week.  Not perfect, but still I like where things are heading.

Of all the progress the writing is what I am most excited about.  I am on target to finish this WiP by July 1st which is both terrifying and exciting. I just need to keep writing!  I hope everyone has a great weekend and good luck this week on the ROW80 goals! 


  1. An amazing week. :)
    I love that Scrubs scene.

    Have a good week.

    1. Me too! I love watching old eps of Scrubs. They never get old and always make me laugh! :)

  2. So nice that you're active in your niece's and nephew's lives!
    I have a niece that is just like me, but now that I moved back to the US, I'm not active in her life anymore =(
    You're kicking butt with your goals! Well done!
    And yay for birthday and books as gifts! lol
    Have a great week ;)

    1. Every time I get close to moving I stop myself, because of them. I don't know what I'd do without them just a few miles away! Hopefully you and your niece skype and email and facebook. The world is so different than when I was young and writing letters to my godfather who was stationed in Germany in the mid-80s! Thank goodness for social media keeping people who live far away closer together nowadays!

  3. Have to laugh, I do the same thing at the kids concerts, toes tapping, singing along (quietly or till my wife grips my leg to stop) and always enjoy the concerts. It is awesome that you are getting to spend time with your neice, those are precious times that can never be replaced and kudo's to you for seizing the opportunity to be a part of her world. Great job on your writing and goals. Have a fantastic week and happy birthday, Kat :D

    1. LOL!! That is awesome. I am glad I'm not the only one who sings along! And thanks Gene!

  4. So great that you are getting to spend good times with your niece and nephew, especially after the stressful semester you had! FANTASTIC progress on the WIP!! I can't wait to hear more (or anything) about it! I've been on a mission to catch up on the TBR pile too, and I have a ton more to add to your list if you ever catch up lol. I wish I could read a book a day - maybe THEN I could actually read all the ones I want!! Have a good week, darling! :D

    1. Yeah I haven't said much about this WiP other than general comments here and there. But I have that Page 7 (or was it 77?! I have to look again!) meme thingy you sent me I have to do, which I hope to use this WiP for. I am just waiting to finish filling in the beginning scenes to see just what page 77 will be! And yeah, if I could read a book a day I would be in HEAVEN. If only I didn't have to work for a living! LMAO!

  5. You have achieved so much! Glad the daily writing is going well and lovely you are getting lots of reading done. I am going to be an auntie soon, I am so excited! Lovely you got to spend time with them. Have a great week and enjoy your birthday!!!!!

    1. Yay!!! Being an aunt is fantastic-be ready to take lots of pictures and videos! When they were little it was great to be able to spoil them rotten and then, when they were nice and hyper, give them back to my sister! :) Now they are older--11 and 13(they grow up sooooo fast!!!) and it's lots and lots of activities! And thanks!

  6. This is my favorite Toto next to the one in The Wizard of Oz. lol

    I hadn't been in the video 10 seconds when a flood of 80's memories rushed in.

    Thanks for causing me to miss Ft Lauderdale. Sigh. lol

    1. You're welcome! LOL! I seriously have had this song stuck in my head for almost a week! I think it's going to be a permanent fixture from this point forward. Yesterday my niece and I went to the mall and sang it the whole way there in the car. We are such loons sometimes! :)

  7. Loved Africa, by Toto. Nice music pick! It's so great to see kids being active in chorus, sports, and community clubs. You're doing awesome with your goals, Kat! Congrats! You've got a massive reading of luck with knocking that one out of the park also. See you Wednesday!

    1. Thanks and glad you liked the music! I love posting music related posts and sharing my love of eclectic (and old school) songs/artists for others to hear/remember. And yeah, my reading goal is a tad daunting. :( I need to pick up the pace big time!
