Wednesday, May 9, 2012

No More Teachers, No More Books: A ROW80 Check In

I'M DONE!!  For the semester anyways. 
*Cheers and claps, throws glitter, and does cartwheels. Or tries to. I never was good at gymnastics....*

Can you tell I am super happy about this?! My papers are done, my last final  will be turned in tomorrow morning, and my brain can now have a bit of a vacation until the end of the month, when I start teaching summer classes.  But even then, I won't mind because I have NO.MORE.PAPERS to write! YAY!!! I can focus on my WiP and read the books that have been sitting in my TBR pile since forever and sleep in and not worry on Sundays about all the essays and readings I have to get done by the end of the week.  Oh I am just ecstatic over this.  ECSTATIC!

Okay, I'm calm now.  Or calmer.  And before I go dance about my living room to some music from the Cure, here where I stand at the mid-week check-in:

Writing:  I haven't gotten any of my 3 hours/week of writing in, but there is a whole lot left of this week and I plan on knocking this goal out of the way by Sunday.

Research/Papers:  This goal is done, done and done! Woot!  Time to re-evaluate my goals and kick the writing and exercising up a notch I think.  I will post my re-vamped goals on Sunday.

Exercise:  Now that my classes are over and I don't have to bury myself in research every night I plan on getting back on track with this goal.  I have time carved out to get in three workouts between now and Sunday and I am actually excited about it.  Who knew that even I would miss getting my yoga and daily stretching in?!

In addition to the above, I am trying to stay on track with Blog Me Maybe. I missed last Friday's post, and didn't get one out on Monday because I was preoccupied with studying for, and then taking, a final.  I did get a post in yesterday though about the Sunshine Award Em had bestowed upon me awhile back.  As I said previously, I probably won't hit a post every day for the month of May (and definitely not on Wednesdays since this is a ROW80 check in day), but I should be able to get two to three non update posts out per week.

Well, that's it for my update, and now I am off to work.  How is everyone else doing with your goals?  Time to re-evaluate or still on track?  Good luck!


  1. I made my goal of finishing my last manuscript a tad bit about the 120,000-word mark, on a very natural break, and am now focusing on using the rest of the material for a second volume with its own set of storylines. I'm hoping I'll be done with that in about the same amount of time, and then I'll finally get back to my hiatused contemporary historical set from 1979-84.

  2. YAY! School is out...time for a little bit of reading time :)

  3. Awesome you're done with school! Time to turn the focus to writing. :)

    I'm behind on my outrageous goals, as usual. But I'm thinking the next couple of weeks I'm going to rock it.

  4. Congrats on finishing! *Throws confetti - sorry...I re-messied your floor* Ha. You've got the break to return to your writing - and the summer will hopefully be a bit less intense work wise.

    I had briefly considered the Blog Me Maybe, but with the book tour - and my new WIP - and my boys' events...I thought better of it. would have been fun. Maybe next time! Have a great weekend, Kat!
