Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Studying, Writing and Blogging, Oh My!

Doesn't have the same ring to it as the lions and tigers and bears, but...well, it's a good summation of my week so far!  It's been crazy and busy and my brain hurts, but so far it's all been worth it!  Here's my ROW80 update:

Writing:  The only writing I've been doing is with regard to my research paper. I am itching to get back to my WiP, but...classes are a priority for the next week.

Research/Writing:  Tuesday I banged out 12 pages (11 really, since the 12th is the work cited page) and about 3500 words, so I am half way there.  And I have a bunch more research to include, plus my conclusion so I will be hitting the 7K mark with no problems.  I took tomorrow off and will be spending the day finishing the draft so I can revise/edit during tutoring hours on Friday morning and complete any additional revisions over the weekend.  The revisions are always the easy part, and with it not being due until Tuesday, I should have no problem getting it completed well before then, even with the busy weekend coming up.  (More on that later this week!!)  The only other essay I have due is completed and ready to be sent off Friday morning.  I'd send it now, but we can't--has be to be handed in after Friday. Grrr...

Working Out:  Seriously, no way have I even been near this goal and I likely won't hit it again this week, much to my chagrin.  This will be the third week in a row of epic fail.  After May 9th, I will have to work out every day to make up for it! -.-

The first day of Blog Me Maybe is done, and you can see my first post here! The blogfest is pretty flexible in terms of the posting schedule (in other words, I don't have to post everyday), and since Wednesdays are ROW80 update days, I will probably not write a BMM post on Wednesdays.  We'll see how things go-who knows, maybe I will combine the two next week, but this week I'm just too swamped to consider that option!

As for the blogfest itself, sure it's only been one day but I am loving it!  I've run into some great bloggers and writers so far, and I have found a lot of things to blog about.  So much that I think I will end up having posts for well after May!  I know that sounds kinda crazy, but...I had a ton of draft posts that I just never put out there.  So I've been finishing the drafts, editing, starting new ones, and just having fun with it all.  My goals are that by the end of month I will have (1) gotten into the habit of blogging (especially about different topics other than writing); and (2) decided on a blogging schedule. Right now, I think I can safely say that will happen.  (Now if only the blogger schedule thingy would work, things would be even better! *shakes fist at blogger*)

The light is clearly at the end of the tunnel for me with the classes I've been taking and the one's I've been teaching.  I'm all caught up on grading and should be ready to plow through the students' final exams and research papers when they hand them in next week with no trouble at all.  At the beginning of this round I was seriously worried that I wouldn't be able to get everything done and that I'd end up a sobbing puddle of tears on the floor of my office.  Can I tell you how happy I am that I am NOT a sobbing puddle of tears?!  Seriously.Frickin.Happy.

I hope everyone is ROW-ing right along and I look forward to getting back into the daily sprints next week! See you Sunday!


  1. Wow, Kat! Teaching and taking classes at the same time...while writing? Phew! You are one motivated gal! Love it.
    It seems that this was a bad week for exercise all the way Don't sweat it. Just focus on tomorrow - or tonight if you want to go to bed feeling smugly satisfied with yourself....a feeling I always welcome.:}

  2. It may not have the same ring but they're just as scary! I know it's not your WIP but good work on your research paper. Re: Working Out, I'm watching you! LOL, I'm glad to hear you're not a sobbing puddle of tears. That would be tragic and.. wet.

  3. Teaching, taking a class and writing would probably find me in a puddle of tears. Good luck on finishing up the classes.

  4. Awww congrats on circumventing the sobbing puddle of tears!! This is GOOD hehehe. You're doing so well with everything else, so don't be too hard on yourself about the exercise. I've been lame on that as well this week! I hope everything wraps up smoothly this week, and can't wait to hear about the plans for the weekend??!!
