Wednesday, April 25, 2012

ROW80: Wednesday Check In

Boring title, I know, but my brain hurts and I couldn't think of a more interesting title than that. :(

Despite the sore brain, I have to say that this round of ROW80 has really been keeping me in line and on top of my to-do list.  I don't know if it's the fact that this round I simplified my goals or what, but I have been seriously productive these last few weeks, and I have the challenge and all my fellow ROW-ers to thank for it!  I couldn't do it without you guys cheering me on!

Writing: Not a word down unfortunately.  My work/homework schedule hasn't allowed me to participate in any of the afternoon word sprints so I have been unable to really set aside any time to get any work on the WiP done.  I am hoping this changes by the end of next week as I slowly get more and more items ticked off the to-do list for school.  *keeps fingers crossed*

Research/Writing Papers:  As I re-read my last post I realized I had said I only had two papers to do. In looking over my syllabus (or is it syllabi for plural?), I found out I miscounted. I have two long papers (one 10+ pages and another 16+) and two shorter essays.  So four total, though arguably the shorter essays are cake.  With that said, as of today, I have one down and three to go.  Well really, since each of those three are at various stages of development, less than that. I am finishing the revisions on the 10-pager as we speak and hope to have this done by tomorrow night.  This will be 4 whole days ahead of schedule-I could almost pass out from shock since I am never done that far in advance! For the second paper, I am done, but can't submit it until May 5th.  And the last paper (16+ pages) due May 9th is slowly coming together. Starting this weekend I will begin the outlining and drafting phase.  Basically, what all that means is that I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, finally!!!

Working Out:  I've found time to work in one workout.  Just two more workouts to squeeze in and I will have accomplished this task.  I've been sleeping a lot better too.  I think the working out and forcing myself to go to bed at a reasonable time has helped with that.

With everything going on I didn't get around to checking out many ROW-er's Sunday updates, but I am hoping to check around the ROW tonight and tomorrow to see how everyone has been doing.

On an unrelated note, I have decided that, for the month of May, to push me back into blogging regularly (since my draft folder is overflowing!), I will attempt the Blog Me Maybe...well, challenge I guess.  Though I don't know if that is the right word, since it's not really a challenge as much as a way to build up the habit of blogging.  Okay, now I'm just getting repetitive.  Click the link above and read the information there--Sara explains it much better than I do!!  But here is the blurb that caught my eye and had me raising my hand to join:

"The purpose: To get back in the habit of blogging by following a weekly schedule for the month of May. (Or if you already post regularly, to have an easy schedule to follow without having to struggle with deciding what to blog about.) (And if posting every day sounds like too much, or if you miss a few days, or only do a couple posts a week, who cares, yanno?)" (Sara McClung via Blog Me Maybe)

There is a posting schedule on the site as well which should give me some fun topics to write about, but what I love most is it's flexibility.  Anything that has built into it the 'it's okay to miss a day or two without feeling like a total loser and failure' clause makes me automatically want to join in. It's the reason I love ROW80 and have stuck with it since last summer. ROW80 gets that we have lives and sometimes we don't meet all our goals, but that we are all here to cheer each other on and help us get through the rough patches.  So I need a similar push with my non-update blog posts and this should do the trick, I hope!

Hope everyone's accomplishments this round are piling up and good luck the rest of the week!


  1. You're doing wonderfully, Kat!! I'm so glad you're all organized for school. I know as soon as those papers are done, you'll be all ninja like on your WIP again. Looking forward to your Blog Me Maybe posts!! I eventually want to do something similar, but soooo not ready yet :D

  2. Sounds like you are going great guns!!! Glad to hear you are keeping on top of your list of things to I love a list! Have a great rest of your week!

  3. Ever since Sunday, I've been lacking in the word count dept too...much like you, it's finals time! I have four exams to create and do study guides for all my students (as a college prof, I can tell you it IS syllabi...plural)! Your report load is the reason why I don't assign papers to my students (plus, I hate to say it, but I don't want to read them!! :)

    I like the idea of Blog Me Maybe. You already have two days where you post for ROW80, so that's two down!

    Good luck w/ your papers and finals(?)!!

  4. I'm also looking forward to the end of the semester! Although for me, it's not papers to write, it's papers to grade!

    Good luck with blogging! And don't think it has to be every day. A few times a week, regularly, is great. It's easier if you have something as a theme for certain days (Like Wednesdays are ROW80 updates!)

  5. You'll have to amend your '0' word count...writing papers for school is writing! Don't sell yourself short there, Kat!
    I'm going to check out the BlogMeMaybe challenge....sounds interesting. Everyday blogging is too much for me, but I'd love to have some topics laid out to think on.

    1. Yeah I think for the first week I might not get one in everyday, depending on how far I am on my research, but, it will give me that bit of push I need to get out there in terms of blogging! And I will have lots more time to participate--it will be weird not having homework and grading to do for a few months!

  6. Thanks everyone for all your support! Seriously, I would be drowning here if not for all of you. You guys help me stay accountable and cheer me on--y'all rock! <3
