Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Day Late for Wednesday's Check-In!

I had intended to post this update last night but by the time I got home from teaching more Hamlet to my unwilling students, I was beat.  In addition to trying to impart the wisdom of the Bard on my class, yesterday was also the first day at my new job as a writing tutor, which, by the way, I loved.  My tutoring hours have changed -again- but I am not too upset about that since it ends up being in my favor--now I will work Friday mornings instead Saturdays.  Yay for free weekends!  Needless to say, by the time I got home, my feet were killing me and I was as grumpy as a hungry zombie (and I was hungry I was basically a grumpy, hungry zombie).  I just couldn't find the energy to post. But, since late is better than never, here is my ROW80 update:

Writing:  Not one scratch of writing on my WIP has been done. Not one.  This saddens me since I haven't been able to participate in the afternoon word sprints with #teamsprinty but my schedule has just been too hectic of late.  I have carved out some time Saturday morning to get a few hours in, so long as there is no apocalypse between now and then.  And hopefully I can get back to doing two or three sprints a week beginning next week, though they may be research sprints instead of writing (see below for more explanation about that!).

Research:  Still not making much headway here with the two papers that are due, the first of which is April 24th.  I'm starting to get a bit panicky about this, but I have a plan that will involve finishing the research tonight and outlining/drafting between tomorrow and Tuesday. This should get me on track for having it done by the 22nd.  I would really love to hand this one in early so I can focus on the second one which will be due May 9th. (that one has a little over half of the research done at least and I have a general outline for it!).  I just need to stick to the plan and keep moving forward!

Working out:  I started back with yoga on Monday and Tuesday.  When I woke up yesterday morning my muscles were seriously pissed off and demanding a day of rest.  I gave them that yesterday (from yoga) but ended up walking about a half mile to the college I am working at since there was NO parking anywhere to be found.  So I got some unplanned walking in, albeit I was lugging all my bags and papers I needed to grade.  Today my back is screaming at me for lugging all the crap around yesterday.  I think I might do some stretching today (i.e. a light work out) and tomorrow, and then take the weekend off.  For some reason I am more motivated to work out during the week than on the weekend anyways. But at least, after today, I will have met my goal of 3 workouts a week!

I haven't had a chance to check out other ROW-ers' progress this week, but I hope to do that sometime today/tonight. I am adding a short term goal to my list, and that is cleaning up my draft blog posts.  I am getting a bit behind with blogging (non-update posts), yet I have a ton of drafts almost finished.  So I need to go through, sort, and finish the ones I have so I can get back on track and not get too far behind.  Hope everyone's week is going well and see you Sunday!

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