Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Back in the ROW80 Groove-Wednesday Check-In

First check in is already here! Woot!!!  This week has been insane with work and homework but...I've got to say that so far, I am pretty happy with where I am goal wise.  I got more writing in that I expected and that always makes me a bit happier.  I've also got my schedule all neatly organized and am working my way through the pile of work on my desk which makes me squeal cause...well don't we all like a clean, neat desk free of files and work?  I know I do!  That evil pile tends to stare at me and give me the evil eye, so to banish the contents back inside the filing cabinet feels oh so good! Anyways, here is my progress so far:

Writing--my goal is to write three times a week for a minimum of 1 hour.  Tuesday I wrote for 2 hours total and made a nice dent in my WIP.

Research--I haven't tackled this goal quite yet--saving it for Friday and Saturday and maybe a little bit on Sunday. I did read two of the three chapters I have to for my Theories in Teaching Writing class which I am super excited about. Usually I am scrambling to get the reading done a few hours before the essay is due on Sunday.  Yay for not procrastinating!!

Walking--One down, two to go.  With the weather expected to be somewhat decent this weekend I think I will be able to meet this goal no problem.  *fingers crossed*

Now I am off to hopefully enjoy some of the last few hours of the #ROW80 party on twitter.  I've already been rockin out to some of my favorite 90's music with a few 80s classics thrown in!  Hope everyone's week is going well and see you Sunday!


  1. Well done on your progress. Hope you managed to enjoy the sunshine. Xx

  2. Great start Kat!! Two hours on your WIP is great. Keep up the good work :)

  3. Excellent start indeed! Great job on Tuesday with the extra words - take advantage of the days where you have a little more time or creativity! Sending oodles of encouragement your way :)

  4. Your goals are great, Kat! Your WIP goal is similar to mine in the focus on time put in each day. Great start for the round.
