Sunday, April 8, 2012

ROW80--First Sunday Check-In for Round 2

The weeks seem to go by so fast...where does the time go?!  It's certainly has been a busy one and next week looks to be even busier, starting tomorrow with a 2 hr trip to (and from) the airport at 7am tomorrow to pick up my mother.  I also start a new job (part time) this week as a writing tutor at the college I am teaching classes at. It will last from now until the end of the semester in mid-May and my hours are going to be on Wednesdays and Saturdays.  I don't know what I was thinking, because my schedule is crammed full as it is, but I guess I just see this as one more way to get my foot in the door a little more than it already is, as well as more experience for the resume.  Anyways, enough about what will be my lack of a life for the next 6 weeks.  Here's my ROW80 progress:

(1) Write 3 hrs minimum a week: Done! Between a sprint and a half with #teamsprinty on twitter and a good chunk of time Saturday morning, I've written and edited for a total of 6 hrs.  I beat my goal by three hours, which is good since this week I'm unsure how much writing on the WiP I will be able to get in.

(2)  Research for 3 hours twice a week (for a total of 6): This hasn't happened. Well not the full 6 hours. I've hammered out some notes and such, but didn't get in as much researching as I wanted to. I did get my reading for my classes all caught up and after I post this I am off to finish the last assignment for the week.  It will be such a good feeling to be done with homework by noon.  Usually I am up until midnight on Sundays trying to get things done on time.

(3) Walk 3 times a week: I'm changing this to "exercise' three times a week, cause I want my yoga (which I am starting again next week) to count here too. I took one walk earlier in the week and being that dinner is going to be right down the street from me, I've decided I will be walking there and back.  So by the end of the day, I will have hit 2 out of 3 for this. Not too bad I guess!

Although I don't have a reading goal this round, I have made some progress on the book I've been trying to finish for what feels like forever. I've been having a hard time getting into which is why it's been such a challenge. But hopefully I will get through it soon so I can move on to something more my style.

Well, that's it for my progress thus far.  Hope everyone's week went well and good luck this upcoming! Happy Easter to those who celebrate!


  1. Good job :) It does sound like a crazy schedule but I'm sure you'll come out on top.

  2. Great job Kat! I know my schedule has had a total shake up thanks to school. I hope the coming weeks smooth out for you so you can get in that writing time :) Have a fantastic rest of your week!

  3. Good job with your goals. I think that doubling your goal for writing more than makes up for the rest that is awesome. I hope you can keep it up with the changes to your schedule.

  4. Good job working on your goals. The tutors sounds like it will be fun and interesting. Have a great week! Happy Writing!
