Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tweaking My Goals: A ROW80 Check In

This week I've decided to start delineating my weekly goals from ones which are longer term. I should have done this when I first posted my goals but better late than never I guess! I won't be addressing the longer term/date specific goals every week in terms of progress (unless I finish early or have to modify them) but I wanted to list them here so I can keep myself accountable. So my goals for the end of the round, or those that have specific dates attached them, are as follows:
  • Finish major, serious, HUGE, scary work project by Oct. 29th
  • Continue outlining/prepping Wanted for NaNo and have this done by Oct. 31st
  • Finish final edits of Finding Home and publish by Nov. 1st (and pick cover at book club! Gah!)
  • Complete draft of Wanted by the end of Round 4
Now, on to this past week and how I did:
  • Write 5000 words a week: Although I wrote every day my word count was lower than expected. I hit 3043. Even though I didn't hit my goal I'm okay with this because I found the quality of my words this week a lot higher than usual. So maybe less is more? I think I need another week or two to ponder whether to stay at 5K or lower it. I like having a high number to strive for, but I want quality words too.
  • Finding Home (Ashten Falls #1): Yes, I am no longer calling it 'book 1'. I was going to wait until I revealed the cover to reveal the title, but it was annoying to call it book 1. As for progress, one of my favorite people in the entire world is pouring through this as we speak and I have been editing as her comments come in. 
  • Wanted (Ashten Falls #2):  I've given book 2 a tentative title as well so YAY for more progress!! This past week I continued to focus on my outline and scene list. I need to be ready for NaNoWriMo!
  • Minimum One ROW80 Check: I missed the check in on Wednesday but I hit today.
  • One Non-ROW80 post per week: I posted something on Friday (not writing related at all; actually more serious than my usual chatter about TV, books, music, and zombies!).  The post can be found HERE.  
Next week my goals are as follows:
  • Write 5K words for the week
  • Continue edits on Finding Home as they come in
  • Post at least one ROW80 Update (either Wed. or Sun.)
  • Post one non-ROW80 post 
  • Complete research for major, serious, HUGE, scary work project by end of the week
And in case anyone wasn't aware, THE ZOMBIES ARE BACK TONIGHT! *squeals* Yes people, The Walking Dead is back with its season premiere. Although the gore freaks me out (it looks way to real *shivers*) and I will likely dream of zombies chasing me, I am sure the show's writers will make it all worth it. I hope! Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well with their goals and see you around the ROW!


  1. Some great goals their Kat! I'm so glad to finally have a more countable goal with a WIP now.
    Looking forward to checking up with you during the round.

  2. Looking at your weekly goals is a great thing, I think. Especially when you have a lot on your plate. And it makes good sense in the context of these bi-weekly updates; look back, look forward.

    1. Exactly! I already feel more productive having specific weekly goals and keeping the other longer term goals in the background so to speak. It also allows me to adjust when I have a really busy week at work (or not so busy!)! Have a great week!

  3. I like that you have weekly goals, it sounds flexible. I love The Walking Dead, although it does give me nightmares too ;) Thanks for stopping by my blog, and have a great writing week!

    1. I had to change the channel on Sunday during the premiere! Just, ew. I have it on DVR though; I will finish watching it during the day sometime this week when it's light outside! LOL

  4. Great goals and if the words are quality words then that is better than 5k that you think aren't. Love the names and excited to see you will be taking part in NaNo! I saw a scary film on Saturday and was up for two and a half hours last night because of a nightmare about it so I am going to be more careful in future! Well done and have a fabulous week!

    1. Thank you! And yikes about the movie! I'm the same way, I can't watch Jaws and whenever I am in the ocean man eating sharks are all I can think of about. (I also don't like driving my cornfields at night b/c of those movies. And camping freaks me out too...) I don't even know WHY I watch scary stuff since I really am a fraidy cat. Self imposed torture I guess! LOL

      I totally agree about quality versus quantity. I've been thinking about how to retool this goal but so far haven't come up with anything. I may keep the 5K as a weekly # goal and hope that, eventually, I get to the point where I can hit the number AND hit the quality too. *fingers crossed!*
