Sunday, October 7, 2012

Forward Progress: ROW80 Check-In

This week found me crazy productive on the writing front. After getting my notes together that were scattered about for the WIPs I've got going, I'm much more calm about what I have to do and how to do it. Outlines, I'm learning, are a freaking lifesaver. At least in my case they are. I don't get overly detailed but just having it there, where I can look back and see where I am and where I need to go, definitely keeps me on track.  (And by the way, thanks everyone for your thoughts on Wednesday's post about Evernote and Scrivener!) My only wish for this Round of ROW80 is that I have more weeks like this in the future, and I don't lose my momentum. I know I will stumble. Life if life after all and who knows what curve balls will be thrown my way. But I can live with that as long as I can pick myself up, find my footing and move forward.

And on that optimistic note, here's my check-in:

Write 5K Words Per Week:  I hit 5681 as of Saturday afternoon. The words were split between Book 1 (I totally re-wrote two scenes which came out so much better!), Book 2, and a new idea that has been niggling in the back of my head for awhile. The main characters in that WIP have been overly chatty and I needed to get them out of my head so I could focus on other things.

Book 1: I knew Wednesday I had to put this aside for a few days. I was fretting and fixating on anything I could find "wrong" with it. This I knew was not good. So I ignored it and worked on other writing related WIPs/outlines, and didn't touch it until yesterday. It was a huge help. I came back to it and saw it with a fresher perspective and was way less critical. (I am my own worst critic, sadly.) Definitely need to remember to do this in the future when I'm freaking out like I was.

Book 2: I added some more info to my outline which is helping to keep me organized and added about 1500 words.

Blog a minimum once per week for ROW80: Done. I hit both posts this week. Yay!!

One blog post per week (not including the ROW80 Check-Ins): I posted on Friday about some much needed motivation I was lacking in my work-outs. It's a humorous post (at least I think it is), so if you want to take a look, or need some inspiration and/or motivation to reach your health/work out/being active goals, or want a laugh at what a dork I am, have a look HERE.

I am hoping to get some more writing in today but that will have to wait until I come home from my sister's Sunday Football Feast. This will entail a torturous couple hours where she will try to feed me food that is not, in any way at all healthy. All while I, use every ounce of willpower, to resist. (She can eat anything and not gain an ounce. I do not have this 'problem'). I asked if I could bring something and I learned not to do that again. Silly me, thinking a veggie platter and some hummus would be acceptable. Maybe I should do an extra workout, or twelve, before I go to her house. *shakes head in resigned frustration*  Have a great Sunday and good luck this week on your goals!


  1. Hi Kat!!

    Over 5k in a week is amazing and I am glad that taking a step away helped you gain some perspective. Will you be joining us for NaNo this November?!

    Hope you have another amazing week!

    1. Yes, I plan to do NaNo. However, I can't decide if I will start a new project or use the WIP I have (i.e. Book 2, which I've finally titled, pending any future change, "Wanted"). I will need about 50K more words to finish it, so although it's not a fresh novel, I still would hit the 50K (hopefully!). I know it's technically cheating, but...I might have to just be a NaNo rebel! LOL!

  2. Kat -

    This sounds lovely, and I will go read your motivation post when I get into my own Dork mode, so I can keep you company!

    I also like to set things aside when they trigger cynicism, and find something happier to play with.

    You seem to be off to a lively, happy start! =D

  3. Yay! This is a wonderful check-in!

    I am allll about being a NaNo rebel (it's how I got through the last round of CampNaNo, and last year's NaNo), so doooooo itttt! (As I told Em last week, I am all about encouraging "bad behavior" in others, lol).

    Hope you're having a great week, Kat!
