Wednesday, October 17, 2012

From Panster to Plotter: A ROW80 Check In

I think it is pretty safe to say that, if the last few months are any indication, I am becoming more of a plotter and less of a panster when it comes to writing.

Up until late summer I'd always been the type to just sit and write, with only a vague idea about my WIP in my head and scattered notes all over my desk and in my notebooks. But over the last few months I've slowly been incorporating more outlining and planning techniques (as well as getting more organized) into my writing and I am loving the results. And as I prepare for NaNo (by making an outline, scene list and character sketches) I have high hopes I will be ready to go when November 1st comes around. *fingers crossed*

But enough about that (for now!). Here is my ROW80 mid week check in:
  • Write 5K words for the week: On Sunday I was unsure whether I would stick with this weekly word count because last week I wrote less than 5K but the quality was better. After some thought I've decided to make this goal more difficult, because (1) I like a challenge (and the whole point of a challenge is to be challenged, right?! LOL) and (2) I am, apparently, crazy!  I am going to modify this goal to be: write 5K quality words every week. This is a much harder goal to hit I think since, though there are times I can get a lot of words down, they can sometimes end up needing to be be totally retooled or scrapped entirely when I revise because they aren't up to par.  With this modified goal in mind, I've managed about 1200 words so far.  I have a ways to go to hit 5K, but I'm going to try! 
  • Continue edits on Finding Home as they come in: Not  much to say other than in progress.
  • Post at least one ROW80 Update (either Wed. or Sun.): I've met this goal by posting today. But I am still going to try my best to check in Sunday as well. 
  • Post one non-ROW80 post: I'm unsure what to post about this week so hopefully something comes to me in the next couple days! 
  • Complete research for major, serious, HUGE, scary work project by end of the week: Monday I did not get one thing done on this project because of the dazed and confused state I was in. Tuesday I didn't either as I focused on getting through a pile of work I needed to get done and had been delaying on. Wednesday I am out of the office until the afternoon. This leaves me Thursday and Friday, since I do not want to work over the weekend. The possibility of weekend work should be enough for me to get this done by Friday. I hope!
So that's it for me; nothing too exciting. I'm off to a meeting outside the office and have to post this quick before I'm late. I hope everyone is having a rockin week and happy writing!!


  1. Maybe you're a puzzler too, like me? :)

    Good luck on your ambitious goals. We'll "see" each other at NaNo. *g*

  2. Holy moly! You aim to write double what I'm shooting for on a weekly basis --- good on you! Hope you reach your weekly goal. Sounds like you're well on your way.

    I've recently "matured" from pantser to plotter as well. I decided to start reading some books on writing as inspiration to keep me going, & of course to pick up some pointers as well, & I suddenly found myself taking notes not just on the book material, but on my plot, as well. Thus far I have the first act sketched out, & hopefully I'll have the rest of the outline complete in time for NaNo!

    Good luck to us both! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hmm...I wrote a comment but then it was gone. I hope I don't end up with two. I'll try to recreate what I said before. :)

    First, it sounds like you've made some good headway this week. I like your revised goal of writing quality words. Do you have a way of measuring this that you're using or are you mainly going by how you feel about the writing after you're done?

    Second, I'm looking forward to hearing more about you becoming a plotter. I am trying to move more in that direction or to figure out what kind of plotting works for me, so I love reading about how other do it.

    And finally, good luck on your work research!

  5. Kat -

    I love how you combined the two goals into one more challenging one. I hope that if you write 3000 quality words, you will count that as a win!

    I used to think I am a pantser, but I've realized I am a discoverer. I use some notes and freewriting, and I might create a timeline as I begin writing or shortly thereafter...

    But mostly, I dream and daydream....

    See you at NaNo, and here!

  6. Checking in for ROW80 once a week is good, but somehow, checking in twice a week really holds my toes to the fire. Hope to hear from you on Sunday, too. Way to go!
