Sunday, March 11, 2012

ROW80 Sunday Check In

It's Sunday's check in and all in all I would say things have gone okay this week as I get back in the saddle!  I missed a day of writing (only got in 4) but I did catch up on the exercise front, which I really needed to do.  As for blogging, it's definitely becoming easier now that I post about topics other than writing. Don't get me wrong, I love writing and love to write and read about it, but sometimes a girl needs to change things up a bit to keep things fun, fresh and well interesting!  I've decided to do a Monday Mash-up kind of post about whatever shows, books, movies, blogs, YouTube videos etc. that I've seen the week prior that has peaked my interest and want to share.  I had fun writing Monday's post about Primeval and Stargate Universe so I want to keep that up. I also will try to do a semi-regular post about the current music that has me inspired, that I'm writing to, and/or music that I just like and want to share.  Saturday I blogged about one of my favorite songs by Fitz and the Tantrums.  I have a bunch more songs and albums waiting in the wings that I want to blog about too.  My decision to blog about music came about from a post I did on Tuesday, where I discussed turning to writing to relax and release some stress, and how doing that affected a scene in my WIP.  Music has a huge influence on my writing so I am really looking forward to doing more posts that are music and writing related!  I've also been reading a lot--for my classes and just for fun--so I have a bunch of books (and even a few poems!) to review too.  I will be starting to tackle that stack soon!

As for the goals I didn't quite make?  Well like I said, I missed a day of writing, and also...Twitter.  I still am more of a spectator than anything else. I watch and don't say much.  I know that deep down this is a self confidence issue and I just need to put myself out there and tweet, but yeah, I'm still not totally there yet.  This goal is continues to be a work in progress!

Hope everyone's week went well and good luck on your goals this week!


  1. Glad you are finding bloggin a bit easier and great you are working in lots of your interests,. My blog has become mainly for my Row80 updates but I did used to blog about other writing related things, something to think about.

    Twitter is a funny beast....I sometimes just say something that is on my mind and I think the biggest thing is not to necessarily expect anything back from anyone. I often enjoy people's tweet ,but don't comment. It is just nice to get to know more about people.

    Have a great week and thank you for your message over at my pace the other day. :)

    1. Thanks for the comment, and your welcome! Yeah the no expectations thing--I am all about that. Like I don't expect responses/comments, but I get anxious thinking others do and that I am supposed to respond, lol. It's all about baby steps for me I guess :)

  2. Watching social media is great way to learn how it works. It is a slow learn for me and I'm still treading water. One day I hope to swim a marathon but until then I'm content with swimming in the baby pool. You're getting there one step at a time.

  3. Four days is still amazing. Well done. :)
    Hope you have a good week. xxx

  4. I remember my first few tweets and the nervousness I had sending my thoughts OUT THERE. I have grown to really enjoy the interaction on Twitter, though. Hope you do too!

    Great job with four days of writing! I like that you've found some other topics to blog about. I think letting your personality and voice show on your blog is wonderful. Have a terrific ROW80 week!
