Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday Miscellany

*Note:  I am changing my Monday posts titles to 'Monday Miscellany' cause well, they tend to be just that--a group of different topics and things I've seen, heard, listened to, contemplated and gotten done over the prior week/weekend.  And since Blogger doesn't do categories, it will be easier to group the Monday posts together using labels! Besides, isn't miscellany just an awesome word? I love it!* 

What a weekend.  It was one of those where I was up at an early hour both days, trying to get a million things done.  Knowing that this week is going to be busy, my goal was to try and get myself ahead of the game by checking some things off my list and I think I was successful.   Well, moderately so anyways.  

Book Club is this Thursday, at my house.  So Saturday was spent cleaning and doing some prep work for the food. I'm a bit nervous about this little gathering since my house is, well, kinda old.  The other members of the club have these brand spanking new houses and mine is about 100 years old and has been been lived in by someone in my family for that entire time.  It has loads of history in it and I've grown up wanting to live here since I was 5. But, that being said, I'll be the first to admit it needs work in terms of being updated (which I am getting to--just having to do it room by room for budgetary purposes.)  The upside is that the downstairs is presentable in that it is painted, decorated in a style that is me, and ready for guests, kind of.  I want to kick myself for feeling self-conscious about it, but old habits do die hard I guess.  

And just in time for Book Club, I finished A Thousand Splendid Suns Saturday night.  I have started a review of it which I will posting soon, but I wanted to wait until after Thursday.  If you have not read this book yet (it came out in 2007), I highly recommend it.  It's been awhile since a book has hit me like this did.  It was so, so good.

Unfortunately, I didn't get any catching up on the DVR done.  I am seriously considering cancelling cable, at least for the summer. Now that the Walking Dead is over for the season I might, and just keep basic cable.  Though, honestly I don't know what that is anymore.  Last time I had basic cable it meant channels 1-13....I guess I will have to look into that before I make a decision!  I can't imagine not having cable and a DVR, but I could get some serious reading and writing done if I didn't have it as a distraction...hmmm, this will have to be pondered over the next week or two.

Last week I was on 'spring break' from the classes I've been taking, though that just meant I was home for a week. Sadly there was no beach involved.  Even though I know my assignments ahead of time and could have gotten ahead, I did zero homework.  I needed that mental break since it has been a rough first half of the semester.  But starting today, I need to get back to the books since I have a whole lot of reading and researching I need to get going on.  My hope is to spend 2 hours a day on it.  I might even use the word sprint time (which I usually write for) as homework sprints instead. That should keep me on schedule to not freak out when the end of April comes and all this work is due.    

And to wrap up the relative boring recap of my weekend, I will leave you with a song by Train.  Their new album comes out in April and seriously, I love these guys.  Ever since the songs "Meet Virginia" and "Drops of Jupiter" they have become a staple on my playlists. There are so many songs I could pick, but this new single is just so fun that I've been singing it around the house and in the car since I heard it last week.  Have a listen if you'd like!

"Drive By" by Train


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