Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday Mash-Up: Basketball and Music

Unlike the last two weeks, this past week I did a whole lot of nothing on the entertainment front so my Monday Mash-Up post is woefully empty.  The weather was just so nice, and since I didn't have to teach (yay for spring break!) I spent as much time as I could outside, enjoying the sun--something we don't always get a lot of where I live.  The television I did watch involved a whole lot of college basketball and in case anyone was wondering, my brackets are thoroughly and completely busted.  I am still hoping Syracuse wins since I have a lot of loyalty towards the schools I've attended. St. Bonaventure ended up getting knocked out of the first round, but...they made it there for the first time in 12 years and it was a really close game. We should have won in fact, but oh well, there is always next year!

Other than basketball, the only other show I watched was the season finale of The Walking Dead.  Can we say zombie-tastic?!  Holy wow, I was floored by what happened in the episode and am so excited for the next season.  Just wish I didn't have to wait so long cause...just...WOW!  Seriously people, if you haven't seen this show, it is so good!  I'm just going to keep hoping that the zombie apocalypse doesn't come in my lifetime.  Because seriously, a zombie herd has to be the scariest thing ever.  More frightening than bees--and I have a strong loathing and irrational fear of bees, so that is saying a lot!

Lastly, since I have so little to report in terms of entertainment, I thought I'd combine the Monday Mash-up with the song I was going to blog about later in the week.  I heard this towards the end of last week and something about the amazing weather we are having here and the rhythm of this song had me blasting it over the weekend.  The song also got me past a block I was experiencing in a particular scene I was writing.  I was having so much trouble I though about leaving the scene out completely, but then I just had this hole in my outline. I finally got through it, with the help of this song. Now, I can move on to the darker parts of the work, which for me always tend to be easier to write.

Andrew Allen "Loving You Tonight"

Happy spring (it hits officially on Tuesday!) and if you see a zombie...remember to aim for the head!  

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