Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Sunday Post [7]

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. From Kimba's website, "this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. This is your news post, so personalize it! Include as much as you want or as little. Be creative, it can be a vlog or just a showcase of your goodies."

It's been a busy freaking month. Holy heck! I start teaching writing classes next week at the local college again (in addition to my other job, which I usually call the "evil day job") so things on the blog were quieter than usual as I ran around trying to get myself together. It was a nice break though and I needed it to reset, make a plan and get organized. I admit I was a bit overwhelmed at times this month, which I blame on the wedding shower, several birthdays, unexpected visitors and two unexpected projects at work, but I made it. This week I hope to be back to my regularly scheduled programming when it comes to writing and blogging, and everything else too. I hope.

But let's get down to business, shall we? Here's what's been happening on the blog, and beyond, this past week:

Books Read/Reviewed Last Week:

Elite (Eagle Elite, #1) by Rachel Van Dyken: I received this as an ARC and I liked it enough to add the second in the series to my TBR.

Deceiving The Witch Next Door by Melissa Bourbon Ramirez: this was also an ARC and a sweet read. The author has set up what looks to be a series; at least, I hope that's the case! Also, the heroine's name rocks.

The Awakening: Aiden by Abby Niles: Shifters, YAY!!!

Sacrifice of Passion by Melissa Bourbon Ramirez: This is the first book in the Deadly Legends series. I had read the second as an ARC, not realizing there was a book before it. (They both work as stand alones though!) Once I read the ARC, I had to run out and purchase this book and I am so glad I did. 

What I'm Reading/Coming Up on the Blog

I have to look through my ARCs and the books in my TBR to make a plan for the week but tentatively I'll be reading and/or reviewing (or preparing the reviews, depending on release dates) the following:

Dead Sexy Dragon by Lolita Lopez
In His Command by Rie Warren
Full Blooded by Amanda Carlson
The Awakening: Liam by Abby Niles
The Companions by R.A. Salvatore
The Demon's Song by Kendra Leigh Castle

Yeah. It's going to be a busy week. But who needs sleep?!

Stacking The Shelves

I behaved this week. Kind of. Sorta...Okay, not really. You can check out my haul HERE.


I'm participating in this challenge to decrease the amount of ARCs I have and get my butt in gear with reviews. You can check out the details HERE.  In terms of progress, here is how I'm doing so far:

I haven't met my goal yet. I had wanted to read 11 ARCs. I've read 5. I still have 6 days left but that would mean a book a day and I don't know if I can do that given my schedule this week.  I'll try my best but no guarantees. On the upside though, getting through 5 ARCs is nothing to sneeze at. At least I've made a dent in the pile. It's a small one, but a dent nonetheless.


I have revamped my goals for the last month of ROW80, Round 3, as well as adjusted the blog schedule. My goals is to be consistent with both writing and blogging (specifically with book reviews) since I really love doing that. It combines my love of writing and reading, and well, it's just fun for me. And that's what blogging is all about right?! So here's the plan for the remainder of the round:

  • Write one hour a day on a WiP, whether on a draft, outlining, planning, or revising
  • Post my ROW80 update on Wednesday: this will be the last post where ROW80 is a part of the Sunday Post.  Or that's the plan anyways. I will be doing a quick update on Wednesdays instead. This will also break up the posts on the blog from being all book reviews and book related memes. I like a little variety in my life. :)
  • Finish revisions of Wanted
  • Post a minimum of 2 complete book reviews each week, here or on Goodreads
  • Post the Stacking the Shelves and Sunday Post memes every week, either separately or combined
  • And for this week only: send the dreaded email I don't want to send for the evil day job. I can't say much about the subject of this but bottom line is, it's a task I'm dreading.  I've got to just suck it up and do it though. I'm determined to get this task done and off my desk this week. It's been haunting me for a month. 

It seems like a lot to take on but with classes starting I've revamped my entire work, writing and blog schedule and put everything in my calendar so I can (1) not forget about blog posts or forget do my writing by the end of the day and (2) stay on top of things at both of my jobs so I don't fall behind, get frustrated, and give up. Consistency in writing, blogging and at work is key to keeping me sane this semester.

I can do this. *fingers crossed*

How's your week been? Any interesting books caught your eye or added to your TBR pile? Reviewed any books lately that surprised you or you were disappointed in? What about your writing goals? Have you hit them yet? Let me know how your're doing in the comments and have a great week!


  1. Wow you certainly do have a lot going on lately. 5 ARCs is pretty good. I usually do the same thing. i haven't read as many books this month as I'd like, but the ones I have read have been longer than normal, so I guess that counts for something. Good luck with your new class!

    SP & STS
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  2. *Reviewed any books lately that surprised you or you were disappointed in?*

    I've just finished reading Buffy Greentree's "Five Day Writer's Retreat" and it's EXCELLENT. It's a writing craft guide and I've never come across one like it before. Well worth having on the writing resources bookshelf. :)

    I also finished Juliet Marillier's "Raven Flight". She's just an amazing writer - I love the story worlds, the characters, the challenges. Yeah. A book with her name on it is enough for me to buy it without even looking at the blurb...

    Other than that, my week has been good. I hit most of my goals and even covered others not on my list, so I can't complain.

    It sounds like you've got a lot on your plate, right now. Best of luck with that email, and the workload and studies. Make sure you factor in some downtime, too. Take good care of yourself, ok?

    All the best,

  3. Wow, you sound busy! I skipped the last couple of rounds of ROW 80, mainly because I need to figure out how I'm going to publish my two WIPs. I did my previous five novels between 2006-2008, via Create Space (Booksurge then); it was costly.

    I know that there's a less expensive option somewhere....

    Enjoy your week...and here's MY SUNDAY UPDATES/MAILBOX MONDAY

  4. I hope you can get the reading you want to get done completed. :) Happy reading.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  5. I have the first 3 to read that you have on your upcoming list. I look forward to seeing what you think of them. :)

    Good luck and a have a great week!

  6. busy busy:) - I have managed only to buy three books this week - so am fellining very good - not sure i could find so many books to give away tho' - must try that.

    all best with e-mail thingy and all the best this coming week:)
