Friday, August 23, 2013

Stacking the Shelves [6]

This meme was started by Tynga at Tynga's Reviews.  The link is to the official launch page that explains what Stacking the Shelves is all about and where to sign up.  Basically, it's a weekly meme where you post what you've bought, borrowed, and/or read, throughout the week. To quote Tynga, "you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!"

So, I've been MIA a couple weeks with my StS posts. The bridal shower I had to throw last weekend (and the prep the week before) had a lot to do with that. Also, I've been asked to teach three writing classes this semester at the local community college so I've been rushing around to get things together for that too. I've been teaching for awhile so I should have everything together by now but the college adopted a new textbook for the class so a lot of my time has been spent getting all that together.

Anyways, I have been buying books since my last post. Well of course I have. I can't not buy books. LOL  It didn't help that I went back to the library and found more books at the summer sale they're having. I think the Library Ladies find me amusing at this point given the amount of books I've been hauling out of there. I also have found about 50 books of my own which I'll never read again that I'll be donating today. So I've basically bought a bunch and will give a bunch back. Hopefully other library patrons will enjoy my old books!

So here's this week's haul (and note: the links will take you to either Goodreads or Amazon):


 Forever and a Day (Lucky Harbor) was only 1.99 Friday when I purchased this. (The price was the same at Amazon and Barnes & Noble).  The boxed set was 99 cents.  

I also bought the actual books of the Maya Banks McCabe Trilogy. This is one of my favorite series of all time and I am constantly borrowing it from the library. Well, Barnes and Noble is having a "buy 2 get 1 free sale" on certain books and this entire series was on sale. So yep, I snapped it up for my book shelf. Last week I also grabbed the next three books in Karen Marie Moning's Highlander series:

 I love buy 2 get 1 free sales.


None. I've got so many ARCs to read I just cannot request anymore right now.


Welp, this week I bought 37 books, all in good shape, all for a quarter. Don't worry, I'm not going to make you suffer through an entire list of the books. However, if you want to check them, you can see them on my "paperback" shelf on Goodreads. Just sort it by date, if you want to look real quick. :)


This book is free at Amazon (click on the cover to get to Amazon) and  Barnes & Noble. I used to have this in paperback but it fell apart. I love this author and this book.

So that's it for me. What did you bring in this week? Happy reading and have a great week!

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