Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Sunday Post [5]: Reading, Writing, Reviewing & Veronica Mars!!

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. From Kimba's website, "this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. This is your news post, so personalize it! Include as much as you want or as little. Be creative, it can be a vlog or just a showcase of your goodies."

HEY YOU GUYS...... (Said in the best voice imitation I can muster a la Goonies):


I want to give a one fingered salute to all those "Suits" in the TV industry who cancelled the show way back in the day and thought there would never be life after the TV show. They clearly didn't realize the amazing, fantasical phenomenon show this was, and is. So, for all your trailer watching pleasure, here it is, a sneak peak for the movie (that I will probably see 5 times, at least, when it comes to theatres):

I am so seriously stoked for this movie I cannot even begin to explain it. This show, for me, brought back all the awesomeness that was Nancy Drew, Fear Street, the Christopher Pike books and everything that is awesome from my 80s/90s childhood, rolled it into one big pile, and then morphed it to meet the culture and reality of the 00s. Yes, it is that good. And also, Logan is my future husband. Just sayin'.

Alright, and now that I have done my fan-girling for the day, on to everything else I did this week:


I read one of the best books ever last week. I reviewed it for the blog and I literally have gushed about it all week. I even told the lady at the library who was going through the shelves with me at the book sale about it. And I don't like to talk to strangers; the introvert in me freaks out around strangers. But I did it, because seriously this book ROCKS! Here is the link to the post: Red (Transplanted Tales, #1) by Katie SeRine.

If you like UF with just the right amount of romance tossed in, read this book. It's not heavy on the steam, but there is enough tension between the two main characters to slice a knife through. And the twists and turns on the Fairy Tales...Just, seriously, check out my review and get this book!

Again, here I am with the fan-girling. What the heck is with me today?! Moving on...


Facade and The Edge of Never are up next and part of the ARC August Challenge I've decided to participate in. (Click on the link for more info on the challenge and see if you want to sign up!) I have a bunch of ARCs to read and my goal is to post 2 ARC reviews a week in the month of August until I get caught up and the TBR list gets smaller. Look for my ARC August goals post tomorrow for all the details!


Please someone stop me. Check out yesterday's post, HERE to get a look at the damage. Let me know over there if you read any of the ones I got from the library and what you thought. There are a bunch of historicals. (It seems my library has a ton of those!)


ROW80 is the writing challenge, that, as the founder Kait Nolan puts it, "knows you have a life." You can check out the details HERE. I check in every Sunday (or try to!) to update my progress on my goals for this Round. So, here we go:

Write every day: Done. I didn't get a lot of writing in, but I wrote every day.
Review a minimum of one book here or on Goodreads: Done (see above for link!)
Blog once per week on something that isn't a book review or ROW80 update: Done. See my Stacking the Shelves post from yesterday. (Link is above!)Post Sunday ROW80 Update: Done
Continue Worksheets for WiP(s): In progress. I finished one and have moved on to the next. I'm loving these things!

I failed at Camp NaNo. *sighs* I'm disappointed in myself, but there is always November and 50K more words to tackle. As for my goals for next week, I'm adding the weekly goal of finishing my CP's book and sending it back with my comments to the list. Other than that, not much will change goal wise. I'm just going to keep on keeping on, as they say, and see what happens next week!


As you can see from the header, I am in the midst of making the switch from blogger to Wordpress. I have a domain and am hosted (thanks Lauren for the recommendation!) but now I have to get into the meat of it all. I've been playing around with themes and widgets and plugins, and trying to get familiar with the WP interface and whatnot. I'm finding that customizing the theme is not so easy. I need to find some good tutorials or instructions on the web on how to do this. I know that I can do it, I just need to have something in front of me that walks me through the steps.

Has anyone else made the switch from blogger to WP? What was your experience? Any hints or tips that got you through the move?


Here are some awesome ADS for reading/books that someone posted to on twitter earlier in the week. I love these!

I'll try to find some more links of interest next week. And speaking of next week, don't forget--Shark Week starts tonight!

So how'd you guys do this week? Is anyone else participating in ARC August? What about your writing goals: are you making progress on your goals or do you need to make some adjustments? Fill me in on what's going on with you in the comments!


  1. I seriously need to move Red up my list. And I just grabbed my name on WP. Haven't had a chance to look around there yet though. I hate change. *sigh* Have a great week!

    1. I hate change too. Last Thursday I was getting weepy & frustrated because I had no freaking clue how to do what I wanted to in WP. It's better now though. I'm just not going to rush myself that way I won't be scrambling to move over there officially by a certain date. Slow and steady!

      And yes, read RED! So, so freaking good!

  2. Moving three blogs to WP from Blogger was the best thing ever. WP is easier and offers so much more. They offer video tutorials too, so just search the community forums for anything you need. OR Google actually, it'll take you right there in my experience. I will say be selective over those plugins, they slow down the load time of your site. I use Genesis with a child theme. SEO optimised and they all look so professional. But there are loads of new themes too now.

    Great going with those goals. And wow, you read a lot. If you like to review urban fantasy, let me know (shameless request *blush).

    Shah X

    1. I will be going to look for those tutorials right now! :D And I love UF so sure thing! (I read just about anything in actuality. The only genre I really don't read anymore is YA though I do make exceptions, like Divergent and Insurgent). Shoot me an email under the review requests tab and we can chat. Have a great week!

  3. Yay for veronica Mars! That's very cool. Good luck with the move, I'm sure it will be hairy during the transition but after you're done... that will be very satisfying I'm sure. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks! I'm anticipating headaches but I'll get through it. Eventually. With the help of a lot of margaritas, I have no doubt. :D

  4. It seems that a lot pf bloggers are moving to Wordpress. I started my blog on Wordpress, and have really liked it. Hope you do too. Enjoy the upcoming week.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

    1. Yeah. When blogger shut down book blogs (and other blogs) left & right recently it freaked a lot of people out and has created an exodus of sorts, it seems. It's sad because I really like blogger, and I know how to do everything here. But I don't want to risk having my blog arbitrarily shut down.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I came to Veronica Mars after it had been cancelled, thank goodness for Netflix is all I can say. It'll be interesting to see where they take the movie so many years after the fact.

    I think you'll find WP as easy as Blogger once you've played with it. And like someone else said there are tutorials, etc. for when something isn't straight forward. I had a personal blog on Blogger but did the writer one from the get on on WP and I had no issues with the transition, but I wasn't moving data. Good luck!

    Great work on your goals. Wishing you a fabulous upcoming week!

    1. I know! I so hope that Veronica and Logan get their HEA. I've been playing around with WP in the evenings (haven't transferred yet) and so far things have been going well. I kept changing themes until I found one that I could easily modify and so far, so good! It's giving me the practice I need at least with code and mods. Have a great week!

  6. Sounds like you've had a great week! I'm also somewhat mid way through moving but not really. I don't know I'm so undecided haha.
    I hope you have a great week next week and moving continues to be a smooth progress for you

    My haul post

  7. lol! I have to agree with you on RED. I soooo loved that book. :D Amazing!

    You know, I've never watched Veronica Mars. I'm a slacker I guess. :)

    Hope you have a great week!

    I too, have a Sunday Post up. :)

  8. Sounds like you had a great week! Good luck with your move, and please tell us what went well and any problems you ran into (and how you solved them.) I'm planning one eventually, too, once I a) have time to learn and figure out how and b) have time to do the actual move.

    Thank you for stopping by my Sunday Post earlier!

  9. found moving to wordpress okay but havent tried a domain yet- sounds very complicated but am getting more and more fed up with google forever trying to take over my blogger:( all the best with the move amd all the best for this week:)

    1. The domain was the easy part (and getting the host). For me, it's learning how to re-do everything (adding book covers, blurbs, inserting boxes, etc, etc) that seems to be the most tedious parts. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

  10. Congrats on achieving all your goals! I used to have a WP blog, but I found that the dashboard took forever to load and sometimes just froze in the middle of whatever I was doing. But this is about four years ago, so things might be a lot better now.

    I didn't know about Blogger deleting blogs so I googled it, and see that Blogger are removing blogs that had "Adult" content on them. I'm not sure if some of the blogs you mentioned were deleted because of that - perhaps the type of books that were reviewed or something...

    Anyway, all the best with the move and with the ARC Challenge.

    1. For whatever reason, Google was flagging book bloggers who were reviewing steamy romance books and they were shut down until things got sorted. So people who read/reviewed books like 50 Shades, Cherise Sinclair and well other high steam books. I review a range of romance novels but I still didn't want to take the risk. (I have the worst luck ever, LOL.)

      So far I haven't had issues with WP other than trying to relearn how to do everything. LOL There are a lot more options in terms of customization on WP, but the blogger interface (though options are limited) is a bit easier. But that could be because blogger is what I'm used to. I'm sure it will all work out in the end though! Have a great week! :D
