Monday, August 5, 2013

ARC August: Setting Goals to Tackle My Pile of ARCs

ARC August is a challenge for all of us reviwers out there who may have gotten a little bit behind in reading ARCs. Or, perhaps a lot behind. Don't worry. I won't judge. As Ocativa says on the ARC August post, "type up a post just saying you’re participating then add your link in the linky below! The post can be as detailed (how many ARC’s you have, etc.) or as simple as you want just make sure your mention this post so other people can join!"

And what does one get at the end of ARC August? Well, for one, the knowledge that your ARC to-be-read pile is smaller. And for two, the chance to win a $20 dollar gift card via Read, Sleep, Repeat.

So I'm joining up and this is my goal for the month:

Read and prepare reviews for 11 books and schedule for posting in either August or September, depending on release date.  

This goal, or set of goals rather, should ensure that I stay up to date with the ARCs I have to read and review and also that I not only read, but actually prepare the posts. The latter is the hardest part for me. It shouldn't be, since I make notes and highlights and all that while reading, but it is. My hope is that the ARC August Challenge will help me get on top of that! (Note: not all of these are ARCs. Some are earlier books in a series that I have the current book in ARC format for. By reading the ARC and preparing the review,, VOILA! My ARC pile decreases!)

Here is a sampling, but not all, of the books and ARCs I will be reading this month with the reviews *hopefully" going up in the months of August and September (again, depends on the release dates):

So, are you participating in ARC August? What are your goals for the months. Or do you want to join in? Click HERE to go to the post that explains the rules and don't forget to include the link to your goal post on that page!


  1. Another participant just finished Facade and absolutely LOVED it! So you'll have to keep me updated so I'll know if I should snag a copy! ;)

    -Octavia of Read. Sleep. Repeat.

  2. Great goal! And good luck! I'd love to participate, but I'll be traveling almost the entire month and have no idea how much reading, reviewing, and posting I'll have time for.
