Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Trying To Keep Steady

This week has crawled by and I haven't touched the novel I need to finish edits on since Saturday. Work has been a bear but I hope to get to those on Friday and complete them over the weekend. I am so close to finishing this final run through. It's both exciting and nerve-wreaking at the same time but I will be happy when I can let that one go. As for my weekly goals, here is my update so far:
  • Writing: I've hit about 2500 words. Only 500 more to go and this goal will be done for the week.
  • Review minimum 1 book per week here or on Goodreads: Done via GR. I actually did two. The first is a romantic suspense, Under His Protection by Karen Erickson and the review can be found HERE. The second review is for Nona Raines' One Good Man. That review is HERE.  I don't give away a lot of synopsis in my reviews. Mainly because the books I've read already have a ton of reviews, so why be repetitive? So I keep it to what I thought and that's it. Unless a book blows me away and I have a lot to say about it, I keep it simple.
  • Finish Syllabus for classes: Uh....well. I'm halfway there. Kind of. If I can finish this by Friday I can email it to the Center chair and upload it to Blackboard.Classes officially begin a week from today. I'm o excited though I doubt my students are! :D 
  • Respond to min. of 5 blogs: I plan on making the rounds today and tomorrow to see how everyone is doing
  • Respond to this blog comments: In progress
  • Finish freelance writing/editing project: This is done. I submitted it to the client and am just waiting to hear if I need to make any final changes before he takes it over. 
  • Workout 3 times per week: Um, this would be a big, fat fail at the moment. 0 for 3. *sighs*
So that's my update. Quick, dirty and about half way to being completed when all is said and done. I still have time to get the rest of it done. I just need to buckle down and focus! Hope everyone is having a great week and happy writing!


  1. Looking good so far, Kat!! I hear ya on the gym...I am mega failing at that right now too. Keep up the good work and have a great rest of the week :D

  2. Well done Kat. You've done a lot. I rarely repeat the synopsis in my reviews either. That's the blurb one hopes they've read already. All I give is my own opinions on what I read, for what it's worth. Have a great rest of the week, X
