Wednesday, January 9, 2013

So Far, So Good...

Time flies when there are goals to be met and a to-do list that is a mile and a half long! I can't believe Wednesday is already here.  I've been wondering since I posted my initial goals post whether to do updates twice a week, or just on Sundays, since I am often out of the office on Wednesdays. I still am undecided at this point other than to say I will always try to post on Sunday. The Wednesday updates may end up being a bit more scattered, depending on time and whether I can get the schedule thing in blogger to work. (It never has worked. I don't know if I am doing something wrong or what but it is supremely annoying. Anyone else
have this issue?)

My edits of Finding Home are coming along, I've been working steadily on these but it's slow going as I carefully edit and re-read to make sure I don't have gaping plot holes anywhere. (I think I've checked 30 times but I'm freaked out I will miss something.) I'm considering posting the first chapter (or part of it) somewhere on my blog but I haven't fully decided yet. A sort of sneak peek if you will as I get closer to the finish line. I'm not great with letting people read what I write, but I thought maybe by putting a short snippet out there for ROWers, fellow bloggers, other blog followers, etc to read, comment, give feedback, and well, just for me to get used to the idea that people might read it, would ease me into putting my novel out there. What do you think? Good idea or no? Any thoughts you might have are appreciated!

As for the goals I set for the week I've had a really productive couple of days. Here is a quick run down:
  • Writing: the goal is 3K a week. I've written 3500+ this week on various WIP(s) and I gotta say, I'm impressed with what I've come up with (and this doesn't happen often since I usually think everything I write sucks! LOL).  Anyways, I hit my goal and I'm movin' on baby! 
  • Review class materials for the upcoming semester: Haven't started this yet but I did pull out my binder full of Intro to Lit lesson plans. I am going to hopefully get to this over the weekend. 
  • Review one book per week (minimum) via this blog or Goodreads. I did this with a book by Lexi Blake (one of my new faves!) and my review is HERE. I read an awesome series over the weekend as well and am hoping to do a review of that on the blog when I get around to it. 
  • Comment on a min. of 5 ROW80 posts:  Done!
  • Reply to comments on this blog: In progress. 
  • Workout 3 times this week: My friend got engaged on Sunday night. I'm in her wedding which is likely going to be the first weekend in November. I have GOT to step this up. At least now I have a motivating factor to get me to my goal! So far, I've completed one full length workout (Monday) and a shorter one Tuesday morning (to stretch out my aching muscles caused by Monday's workout.)  I'd like to get another 2 full length workouts in before the week is out. *keeps fingers crossed*
How is everyone else doing? Wishing you well and have a great rest of the week!


  1. I love your goals. They are doable and that is what keeps them achievable. Mine are still getting the final approval before laminating. Keep up the excellent work.

    1. Thank you! Jump in anytime, we'll be here to cheer you on! :)

  2. Great work this week. Hope it goes well the rest of the week. I've been deciding whether to just check on Sunday too. Can't make up my mind. x

    1. I think I would prefer do to one longer post on Sunday, and skip Wednesday; or maybe just post Wednesday when I can, but not make it mandatory in terms of my goals. Decisions, decisions! LoL Have a great week!

  3. I post excerpts on a quiet little blog. That lets me share without feeling too exposed, for now.

    Whether once a week or more, I am looking forward to seeing you move toward these goals. :)

  4. I post excerpts on a quiet little blog. That lets me share without feeling too exposed, for now.

    Whether once a week or more, I am looking forward to seeing you move toward these goals. :)
