Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lazy Days Continued: Sunday ROW80 Check-In

My lazy week that I posted about on Wednesday has continued.  I think the weather has had a bit to do with it.  It went from blazing hot and humid to dark, dreary and rainy in a matter of days; and the dreariness and rain continues today.  My niece is spending the day with me and we're are going to curl up with some hot chocolate and brownies and finish watching the first season of Joan of Arcadia..  I love that show, and she does too now it seems!  So before I get the brownies out of the oven, here's my quick update:

Writing:  My goal was to write every day.  I wrote three days. Motivation was a huge issue here, as were the 3 little leagues games I attended.  By the time I got home from work and then the games, I was just too tired to do anything other than read and go to bed.  This week my goal is to write every day and get as much writing time in as I can.  I am hoping to hit quite a few of the afternoon ROW80 sprints too since I have afternoons off this week.

Reading:  Finished two more books this week. The third Fifty Shades and Silver Bourne by Patricia Briggs.  I absolutely love Briggs' Mercy Thompson series but somehow I had gotten three books behind and am now trying to catch up. This week my official goal is once again to read one, but I am hoping to get in two or three.

Blogging:  All that I've been been able to post this week are my ROW80 updates. This is something else I need to get back into this week.  Since the Blog Me Maybe blogfest is over, my new goal will be one non-update post per week.  I think I can definitely manage that. I hope!

Being Active: 3 out of 5.  Another goal not met, but I will hopefully hit this mark next week.

As you can see, I clearly took a vacation from my goals this week.  But with this round ending soon, I will ramp up  my writing this next week. I want this first draft of the WiP completed by July 1, a target I think I can still hit so long as I've gotten this little 'vacation' out of my system! Hope everyone has a productive week and happy writing!


  1. Sometimes we just have to have a break. We need the downtime, I think. You'll get back on track, just wait and see. :)

  2. Oh no, don't say this round is ending soon, I haven't done nearly enough for it yet! I hope this week sees you getting back into your goals.

  3. Three out of five for writing and exercise ain't half bad! Motivation can be tough and I hope you feel super motivated this week :) Writing everyday is such an amazing habit but let's face it, it isn't always an easy one. You can do it!!

  4. Good for you for reading up a storm as you rest up for the rest of the round. I do write every day--began years ago--the only way I do it successfully is scoping out a time of day when I will not be called to other duties. It took me some time to figure out when that was but when I did, it became my writing time.

    Hope this is a great week for you.

