Thursday, June 21, 2012

High Hopes: End of ROW80 Round 2

Wow. I can't believe this Round is over. It's been a long one for me, and as I look over the first half goals and then the second (post class finals) I am pretty happy with the result. Not totally, and I still have some areas I need to work at, but overall, I'd give myself a B- for the Round. 

So, the first half goals I had were mainly about school and I spoke about  them HERE..  Grade wise, I got an A in my Theories in Teaching Writing Class (which was my fave class but it still shocked the HELL out of me!) and a B in my English Novel (I had thought I'd get a C, but my final paper and final brought my grade up, thank god. That teacher was tough!) This first set of goals also taught me one important lesson--that I can't do everything all at once and if I try, I need a plan so I don't completely lose my mind. 

Moving on to the second half of the Round (which was basically May 9th until now), my goals changed and here is how I did overall: 

Write every day:  I didn't quite get there, instead getting in 3-5 days of writing each week, depending on the work schedule.  Despite this however, my WiP is almost there, and when I say there, I mean done. I wrote the concluding scene the other day but after a quick read through of the last third, I need to add in a couple chapters in the last third, and a few scenes to some that I'd thought were finished.  I am still aiming for July 1 to be done with the writing so I think I will be quite busy this weekend typing away.  I also decided that I need to introduce at least two peripheral characters for a WiP I had worked on about a year ago but had put aside.  I've really fallen in love with this world and don't want to leave it behind just yet. 

Reading: During the first half I didn't even try.  During the second, it was one book a month, which then I upped to one a week. I was so far behind in my Goodreads challenge when May 9th came around (22+ books in fact!) that I didn't think I'd ever make it.  The last few weeks I have been devouring books to the tune of 2-3 per week. I am now only 10 books behind.  (Though the widget on my blog may not reflect that because it's been buggy lately.  My GR page has it up though!)  Through this challenge, I've found some AMAZING writers: Veronica Roth, Tammara Webber and Roni Loren to name just a few. Tammara's book, Easy (this is the Goodreads link!) made me cry.  And I NEVER cry.  It also had me thinking back to something I'd pushed out of my memory bank long ago. Cathartic doesn't even begin to explain it.    

Blogging/Social Media: I did great in the month of May but that was about it. I always have the best intentions when it comes to blogging, but I have been so focused on reading and writing that I haven't done much of it, or even any tweeting, the last two weeks. I feel bad about it, that old and familiar guilt creeping in about not keeping up on things and with the people I've come to know through ROW80.  I need to think on how to get better at this for the next round. 

Working out: Ha! It's as if I forgot this was even a goal. The only thing I can say about this unfulfilled goal is that I have been working outside more on my gardens. Blackberry season will be here soon so I have been working on that tangle of stems and thorn things to get ready for harvest, and I planted a few veggies (and garlic...not sure if garlic is a veggie or an herb actually.), all of which is coming along nicely. I will try, between now and the next round, to get back into my yoga and walking routine, but, no promises.

Overall not a bad round Id' say. And as I write, I am getting an idea where I need to focus next round and have a deadline to keep me on track.  I want to thank everyone for all of your support throughout this Round. You all have become lifelines for me in this journey into the writing world, and are always there in the back of mind when I try to procrastinate or think of giving up when the words don't come as easily as I'd like. Now, it's time to put a laser beam focus on my WiP from now until the start of the next round. Who knows...maybe I can get it completed, a first revision done, and sent out to my beta readers during the next Round!  Gotta have high hopes, right?   

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