Saturday, June 30, 2012

Writing, Reading, Weddings and Thinking

I should be writing on my WiP at the moment, but instead I am writing a blog post and alternately painting my nails.  I have a wedding to get ready to go to this afternoon and of course put off things I could have done yesterday until this morning.  I am such a procrastinator! GRRRRRRR.  

Anyways, I mentioned in my last post that I was laying low from social media (including blogging) for two reasons-writing and reading. Well and work too, so three reasons I guess. But I will admit that my head has been buried in a book (or my Nook) every day for hours since I had been trying to catch up with my GoodReads challenge. This includes while eating breakfast, during breaks between court appearances, lunch, while making dinner and while eating dinner. Yes, I have been a reading fool lately. I have also been branching out into different genres which has been surprisingly fun. Nothing like a good book to escape to, no matter the genre! As of today I am right on track, thank goodness, and close to 50% done. This habit however has not been kind on my wallet. Buying ebooks is way too easy sometimes! Ack!

When I haven't been either working or reading, I have been writing. On that front, I've been moderately successful. I still don't know if I will be done with the draft by Sunday, but this is because I actually changed around some scenes in the last third I was working on.  (I know I shouldn't revise as I go, but I had to do it-it was driving me nuts as I wrote, knowing things weren't where they belonged!)  I've also introduced a couple characters in the novel that will show up in another WiP (which I had already written most of as a novella last year but then hit a block)  So with a little tweaking and if I can just stay on a schedule, I already have a book two for this series two-thirds of the way done-talk about awesome! (The second WiP won't follow the same main characters, though they will definitely be in the book as secondary characters of sorts. As I said in my last post, I really love this world I've created and can see a lot of possibilities here.  I will have a better idea of how all this is going to work once I get this first one off to Beta readers and have time to sit back and plan. Which means I should go write...right now. But before I do I will leave you with one of the newest songs on my mp3 player's rotation, cause you know me, I am all about the music!  Have a great weekend! 

Gloriana:  Kissed You [Good Night]

1 comment:

  1. Darling! You HAVE been a little reading machine!! I keep seeing all your ratings go by on Goodreads, and I'm all....DAMN. Just wanted to pop in and say hi, happy 4th of july, and are you jumping in this round of ROW80? xo
