Sunday, March 3, 2013

RAID, Reading, RAID, Reading...With Some Writing Thrown In

This was essentially my week.

And did I mention Raid?!  Well let me just mention it again.  Kristen Ashley's third book in her Unfinished Heroes series came out two days earlier than expected. I bought it immediately. And then I devoured it on the 27th. My review will be coming soon enough but just have to say...


Anyone who has read Raid will get that reference! ;D

Anyways, since it's been a been a busy week all around and I have a super busy Sunday ahead of me, I will try to keep this short.

First, this week on the blog:

Falling For The Lawyer by Anna Clifton:  I received an ARC of this book and it's a solid 3.5 stars. It was cute and I look forward to reading books this author writes in the future.

Bella Andre's The Look of Love (Sullivans, #1): 4 out of 5 stars for me and I cannot wait to dive into the rest of these books. I have the next 4 in the series and seriously, the Sullivan brothers? From what I've seen, it's going to be a fun ride!

Never Seduce a Scot by Maya Banks: This was a solid 5 out of 5 stars and is such a well done highlander romance. To top that, the fiercely strong and amazing heroine is deaf and is such a strong, amazing, incredible heroine. Maya Banks kicks butt with this book.

Love and a Blue-Eyed Cowboy by Sandra Chastain:  This was my first review of an ARC I received via Netgalley. This was published initially in 1992 and though I liked it, I had to work hard not comparing it to today's romance novels and look through the lens of an earlier time while I was reviewing it.

As for music, I am still on my Lana del Ray kick. I tried to find an official youtube video of her song "Radio" because it is so, so good but was not successful. If you get a chance, check it out on itunes, spotify, pandora, or wherever it is you use to listen to your music, especially if you're looking for something different!

And last, my ROW80 update. Here we go:
  • Continue working on synopsis: Still in progress. As I was revising my draft last week I went back through the novel to make sure I've hit all the important parts. I need to add a few more things and re-word a few paragraphs but it's nearing completion. I thought this would be easy. At least easier than the query letter, but yeah, I was so wrong. 
  • Spend 2 hours on collaborative project: Nothing to see here. Literally. Once I get this darn synopsis done I can concentrate on this. One thing (and one day) at a time! 
  • Post at least 3 book reviews here or on GR- Done! See above for links to the ones on the blog or check my GR page.  
  • Read/comment on at least 5 blogs- Done!
  • Check in for ROW80 on Sunday- Done!
  • Workout 3 times- um, well...I've been eating healthier at least  Except for one day when I did take out (and regretted it). But as for working out...*hides under desk* 
Next week the goals will be the same except that I will be adding (1) to catch up on grading and (2) prepare the midterm exam by Friday.  I can't believe it's that time of year already!

Lastly, I have been figuring things out here at my blog, as in how to do things that most people find pretty easy but I do not. I found a contact form I like and added that page and I also figured out how to shorten urls with google's url shortening service. (This was surprisingly easy. I really need to not be scared of this tech stuff sometimes and just do it. LOL) I moved a few widgets around, added my copyright on the bottom (since I'm doing book reviews now, this is especially important as I don't want my reviews showing up elsewhere without permission), and am trying to figure out Google+.  I was also moderately busy on pinterest, which for the record, can be a time suck but it's worth it when I find a pair of shoes or quote or anything else I like!

So busy week, no?  After all that I think today calls for tossing some chicken in the crock-pot for some southwest chicken and rice later and relaxing. :D  I hope everyone has had a fabulous week and for those of you in ROW80, good luck with your goals! 


  1. You accomplished a lot this week!!! And then there was RAID :D I'm so glad you liked it as much as you had hoped. The way you rave about these, I may just have to check them out. Synopses and queries scare the bejeezus out of me..probably because I am not even close to being ready to do that. But still, mad props for barreling on with those! Hope you have a great week!

  2. Writing a synopsis is tough! Best of luck with that :) I hope you have a great week!

  3. Congrats on your progress. Sounds like you've read some good books, too, which always makes things better!

    And I so agree... I thought the synopsis would be much easier than the hell that was query writing. But it was pretty darn tough, too. Ends up that I write 100K words better than one paragraph summing them up. ;-)
