Sunday, February 17, 2013

Staying Steady: A ROW80 Update

Today is going to be a short and sweet ROW80 check-in. I have a ton of things to do and much of it is writing and reading related. Oh, and grading. I need to do a bunch of that too. Blah. 

Speaking of reading, last night I started Black Ice by Anne Stuart. I just have to say that this book is so freakin good. I haven't been this caught up in a suspense novel in a looooooooong time. I was literally on the edge of my seat. Bastien is such a freaking jerk yet I don't know whether to love him or hate him! I love authors that can do this to me. *happy sighs*  As soon as I finish this post, I am going to finish it. Then do some writing. Then some grading. Maybe. 

And with that, here's the update:
  • Work on revising and cutting down my query letter- I have gone over the letter again and cut it down some more. It's still not ready, but it is getting there. At teh same time I am working on a 2 page synopsis. Some of the publishers want a synopsis, some want the first chapter, others the first 10 pages. 
  • Spend 2 hours on collaborative project-Fail. Just a total, epic fail.
  • Post at least 1 book review here or on GR- this week I posted on my Goodreads page. I've read several good books this week and si this means I have a bunch more reviews to get up on both the blog and Goodreads. I just love reviewing books. It's so fun!
  • Read/comment on at least 5 blogs-done
  • Check in for ROW80 on Sunday-done.
  • Workout 3 times- 2 out of 3. Why can't I get around to that third workout?! Ugh!
Next week my goals remain the same, except that along with revising my query letter I will be working on the synopsis I mentioned. Last week I needed to cut things down goal wise and doing so really lessened a bunch of the stress I was starting to feel. Alright, off to read, write and grade. Hope everyone has had a successful week and happy writing! 


  1. I hope the read, write and grade goes well! You don't sound your usual sunny self so I hope you are ok and this week is calmer for you :)

    1. Thanks! You're right, I'm not my usual self. I've been having a hard time sleeping and it has made me blah. :( Sunday was good though. I got a book read, some writing in (not a lot, but some is better than none), and a good chunk of grading done. Just need to remember to breathe and things should straighten out. :D

  2. Good luck with those query letters! I've heard they can be a bit hard to compose.

    1. Thank you! And they so are. I have so much I want to say but every one wants only 1 page. Gah! It's so hard cutting it all down but I am determined! Have a great week!

  3. Kat, I hope that changing your goals will continue to lessen the stress for you. I don't envy you the grading--I put in many years of that, and never figured out how to avoid procrastination!

    I hope you can get back to reading the book--it sounds good!

    1. Procrastination and I are old friends, sadly. LOL I've been trying to utilize my office hours (2 hours every week) at the college to get it done but sometimes the bright and shiny of pinterest or twitter distract me. I need to stop that.

      Side note: the book was AMAZING. So freaking good I just cannot even stand it.

  4. Love that you listened to the stressors and took action. Well done. I'm going to have to check out Black Ice, I'm starting to really love romantic suspense. Keep listening to you and you'll most certainly have a great week.

    1. I've been in such a book funk lately and I kept hearing about this book. The Hero is really no hero...he is so, ugh I wanted to beat him with a candlestick! But you just knew it was for a reason and boy oh BOY did he make up for everything. I can't wait to read the rest of this series!
