Sunday, May 19, 2013

Back On Track

After two Sundays of rest and relaxation I am back with my Week in Review and weekly ROW80 updates. I know, you guys missed me, right?! Unfortunately today will be relatively quick as I have a busy day ahead of me. I have plans to write, read and and, eventually, mowing the lawn. If it stops raining. I hope it does, cause I really need to get on that. There's a whole lot of other things on my to-do list too and I want to get as much done as I can so I'm not bogged down this week.

On the blog this week I reviewed the first in Tessa Dare's Spindle Cove series, A Night To Surrender. I seriously love this book and this entire series. The fourth novel (there are two novellas in the series as well) will be released on May 28th. I cannot wait!

I also found two highlander romances at the library by Paula Quinn, Laird of the Mist (MacGregors, #1) and A Highlander Never Surrenders (MacGregors, #2),  that I read this week. I really enjoyed both of them and gave them each 4 stars on Goodreads. Her characters are well developed but it was the research she clearly did that had a huge impact on me. She gave a pretty accurate portrayal of Scotland during that time and the fighting between clans, as well as the issues between England and Scotland. Often times in historicals/highlanders actual facts are glossed over so this was a nice change.

On a side note, I am loving being able to download eBooks from my library. However, as I noted on twitter this week, I am pretty impatient. The eBooks can be out for 14 days and for me, who reads fast, I'm practically jumping out of my chair as I wait for others ahead of me in the 'hold' line to get done. Yeah, this is something I need to work on.

Also, has anyone else noticed an uptick in twitter drama of late? I love twitter, but lately it's like there is drama and/or controversy every time I turn around, especially with authors. Maybe it's always been there and I've only just noticed it because I'm more active on twitter of late. I don't know, but whatever it is, it's making me need to turn away from social media more and more so I can focus. This might be a good thing because focusing on my to-do list and WiPs is of course a priority but still, I'll be happy when things settle down. I don't like drama and conflict. It makes me twitch. 

Anyways, back to more important things. Here's my ROW80 update:
  • Write every day: I hit 5 out of 7 days. Not too bad but next week I hope to make it every day. 
  • Review minimum of 3 books per week via the blog or GR: See above for the break down. 
  • Post my Sunday ROW80 update: Done
  • Finish organizing all WiPs and make a plan: In progress. I've gone through my outlines and cleaned those up a bit, added info where I needed to, and started to prioritize them in a way that makes a reasonable amount of sense in terms of order to write them in. Now I have to move on to the WiPs I have half started, nearly finished, etc. There are a bunch of those. I have to read through each this week and see if they are salvageable or if I should toss 'em. 
  • Workout a minimum of 3 times per week: Well, I didn't get any yoga in but I did take a couple walks. I'm dog sitting for a month while my uncle has surgery on his back and the dog likes his walks. In addition to walking I've also been doing a bunch of yard work. I am trying to get more comfortable about being outside in nature. It would be perfect if the bees just left me alone but I swear my face is on a "Most Wanted" poster somewhere in the buzzing insect community. Every time I step outside they freaking find me! So yeah, I gotta work on this still. :D
Anyways, that was my week. Not too exciting but at least somewhat productive. My goals for next week will remain the same and hopefully next Sunday I can tack on some others. I hope everyone had a great week and good luck!


  1. Some great goals and progress, Kat. Best of luck next week. X


  2. Hey there! I'm new to Row80, so it was great to see how much you've committed yourself makes me want to add a few more goals, myself!

    I haven't noticed the drama on twitter, but maybe I'm just not paying close enough attention?? Now I'm going to though!

    1. Welcome to ROW80! I often change my weekly goals based on the work schedule and any other projects I have going on. I started the year with a "year plan" then broke that down to smaller bites so I could work on certain goals during each round, and then I have the weekly goals. It took awhile for me to get into that sort of organization but I find I'm more productive now that I have a 'plan'. (I'd be lost without it and so unorganized). As for the twitter drama it can be crazy. I never get involved, I just see it all the time in my feed and roll my eyes. I love twitter but sometimes it can make me twitch. :D

  3. It's nice to have you back! Best of luck with your goals this week! :)

  4. Good week! I love the electronic library through my local library. And I've just discovered the OverDrive app that allows me to listen to their audiobooks on my phone while cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, etc.

    Best wishes sorting out the WIPs! It's nice to have so many story ideas, but tough not to have enough time to get them all written. Have a wonderful ROW80!
