Monday, December 10, 2012

A Bit Of A Post NaNo Slump: A ROW80 Update

Last week taught me that NaNo kicked my ass. I was on a high after "winning" and all ready to dive into edits of my other project.  This did not happen. I was easily distracted and got very little writing or editing done last week. I don't know really what I did since I don't have much to show for it. It was all kind of a blur. 

In addition to the mind fog I was in, Thursday and Friday were spent in the hospital with my Uncle who thought he was having a stroke. He's 58 years old and in great health so this was a surprise to us all. After a full body MRI and a billion other medical tests (and ruling out a stroke and heart issues), all the docs can say is that he is a medical mystery and are referring him to another hospital.  They know it's something neurological but have ruled out tumors in the brain and cervical area of his back. They have no idea why he can't lift his left arm over his head and keep it there. It just ..well it just falls down to his side.  So everyone is on pins and needles since this week he has a battery of doc appointments and more tests to figure out what the HECK is going on. Anyone know where I can find Dr. House?

Now, despite this 'issue', he still went deep into the woods with my father on Saturday (he was released from the hospital Friday night) and cut down FOUR Christmas trees. He would not let us just buy a darn tree from the tree farm. Personally I would have been more than happy with using my fake tree I used to have in my old apartment (my cat doesn't bother fake trees; she tries to climb the real ones!). But he insisted. "It's tradition.", he said and there was no talking him out of it. Totally crazy, but determined. Now I have to find time to decorate a tree and stop myself from throttling my evil cat during the holidays. But my uncle is happy, so that's all that matters right now. 

Anyways, here's my ROW80 update for last week:

Continue slogging though the edits for Finding HomeThe plan last week was to finish the edits by Sunday. This did not happen. I'm not going to make an excuse, it just didn't get done. But, there's always this week.

Post at least one ROW80 update (either Wed. or Sun): Done, just a day late.

Post a non-ROW80 post for the week: Epic fail once again. I suck at this. :)

Get through the pile of files on my desk: Done, done, done, DONE! *does happy dance*  December is always a busy time for me (as it is for most everybody) and with family coming to invade my house on the 26th and staying the week, I needed to get my work caught up (and a bit ahead of myself)  so that I wasn't scrambling when everyone got here. This has been accomplished. I have two more things to do and once I finish with office stuff between now and next Thursday, I am home free until January 1st. At least work wise.

Next week my goals will remain the same except I am adding in three additional ones: 

Do yoga three times this week. 

Finish decorating house and finish menu for Christmas Eve dinner.  Last year was the first year we had Christmas Eve dinner at my house. it was a last minute thing because my aunt couldn't do it at her house (she was working) so my sister and I threw something together,. This year we have the main idea for the dinner,  but I need to finalize a few things so I know who is making what (don't want to make three dishes of the same thing!).  If I can get that and the decorating done, I will be way ahead of the game and ready to tackle the dinner and the subsequent guest arrivals!

Work on super-secret collaborative project. I need to think of a better name for this goal. Maybe I will get inspired by Wednesday, but for right now, super secret collaborative project will have to do! Now that NaNo is done, this will be my main WIP for the next little while. 

All of that should keep me busy for awhile.  Not to mention that a persistent little plot bunny has wiggled its way into my head and I can't stop thinking about it. I've jotted some notes down and put it aside, but seriously, why does this always happen when I have other things to do! Such bad timing! I'm a little scared of it, cause it's rather dark and quite different than what I'm used to writing, but so far it's looking quite fun.  Hopefully I can keep that at bay while I work on, well, everything else I need to work on!

I hope everyone is doing well with their ROW80 goals (and with all the holiday craziness!). Have a great week!


  1. Hope the doctors are able to figure out what's going on with your uncle. It's crazy that we still don't know so much about the human body even after all our progress.

    Best of luck with your decorating and finding some new energy for your creativity. At least getting some paperwork cleared off makes more room for productivity. :) Have a great week!

  2. Hope the doctors are able to figure out what's going on with your uncle. It's crazy that we still don't know so much about the human body even after all our progress.

    Best of luck with your decorating and finding some new energy for your creativity. At least getting some paperwork cleared off makes more room for productivity. :) Have a great week!

  3. I hope your uncle has a good recovery and the cause of his issues is identified.

    I know I'm long overdue to clean up my own desk (and my car, aka a garbage can on wheels), but I never really do it. It does look nicest when your desk is a clean surface, with just a computer, a notebook, and writing instruments.
