Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Having Some "Fun."

((ROW80 Update is towards the bottom if you want to skip the music, though seriously, it's good music! Have a listen!))

I've decided that on once a week I am going to try and blog about songs that have me dancing and singing, whether in the car, around the house as I clean, or wherever I happen to be. My tastes range from classic rock to rap to punk to pop to alternative to R&B, and all things in between, so be prepared. These posts could get eclectic! If you look to the far bottom right of the page and click on the keyword 'music' you will get an idea of just what I mean.

So today, the band I am featuring is Fun. And that is Fun, with a period after the N.) I love these guys, however I have no idea what category to put then in, other than freakin' awesome! All I can tell you is that their music makes me want to jump around like a lunatic while singing. I have no idea why this is, but it makes me happy so I just go with it. You've may have already heard the first song, We Are Young. But the second song, Some Nights, is even better (in my opinion) and if you haven't heard it I highly recommend checking it out. I love blasting it in my car on the way to work. Enjoy the music and rock on! \o/

We Are Young by Fun.

Some Nights by Fun.

And now, as the music plays, here's my check-in for ROW80:

Writing Every Day:  Gah! I've missed two days. I need to get back track asap.

Book 1:  On schedule...yippee!

Book 2:  On hold until I finish the revisions for Book 1.

Being Active:  1 workout down, 2 to go before Sunday.

Reading: I've been reading whenever I can to try and get through the books on my Nook.  I've also been participating more on Goodreads with comments in various groups I'm in and with reviews. I love Goodreads.  Just LOVE it!

Social Media:  Continues to be a work in progress, but by combining posts with update info (as I did here, and the last few check ins) I can do both blog posts, whether it's writing, music, books, TV, or whatever, and get my ROW80 update in there too. Two birds, one stone! Yay! :)

Hope everyone is having a great week and good luck to those who are finishing up Camp Nano!


  1. Two days? ~LeGasp!~ Actually, I missed about 2 weeks being sick. But it's easy to jump back on the wagon!

    1. I know, two days isn't that bad, but I was on SUCH a good streak! LOL I got back on track yesterday and will be putting in extra time today and tomorrow to make up for earlier in the week!
