Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Super Quick Update...Then Back to Homework!

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but I am starting a master's in English program and my financial aid and all that fun stuff didn't get finalized til over the weekend.  Classes started Monday, which was the day I was able to register for classes.  So I've been a ball of anxiety trying to get things in order and keep up with the work.  I also started teaching a writing class one night a week, which I've been doing for about 7 years, but this on top of my day job and the school thing has been wiping me out, energy wise.  Because of all this I haven't gotten any writing in since Sunday. I actually don't think I'll get any writing in until this coming Sunday, but I am okay with that. I need to get myself organized and then, once I have filled in my day planner with highlighted areas (in different colors of course!) for "work time", "school time", "working out time" and "fun time", I will add in that one hour a day for writing.  With everything on my plate, I know that organization is going to be key to my success here.  I hope everyone has a good week and I look forward to checking out everyone's progress in the next couple days! Now back to reading This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald...


  1. Wow! You're burning the candle at both ends, that's for sure. I think we can usually handle more than we'd ever expect. Kudos for figuring out how to fit in the writing. Good luck!

  2. I don't envy you! I teach Monday nights and Saturday mornings at the local college (in addition to my full-time job) and it's not easy packing it all in...that and you're going to school too!! I did two MA programs (not at the same time) while working full-time and I totally empathize. You are superwoman!!

  3. Wow you do have a full plate! Good idea about making a schedule (especially the highlighting bit!) so you can fit in an hour of writing. Organisation is going to be key for us with NaNo coming up but atleast we have some time to get organised!

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  4. Thass alotta plates, sista! Time management is, indeed, key--as well as prioritization.

    Good luck with your goals--and your energy!--this week. :-)

  5. Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement! it really means a lot to me, and keeps me accountable too! So far my day planner is all colored in with pretty shades of yellow, green, pink and purple, I just gotta stick to it. Tonight is a night off so I can get some time with friends in and some fun, and then tomorrow, back to the grind!
